Unable to download the ParallelsDesktop-10...

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Dancoiv, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. Dancoiv

    Dancoiv Junior Member

    I get a notification there is an update for Parallels, so I select the "Download and Update" option. It hangs at downloading 0.0 of 0.0 KB for quite a while before providing me with a message "Unable to download ParallelsDesktop-10..." and to try again later or contact support if it persists. Well after several days of trying to resolve this on my own, I'm resorting to bothering others on the Forum. Is there a way to manually get the disk image? Currently, it is ParallelsDesktop-10.1.3-28868.dmg that it informs me I'm unable to download, but perhaps it will be a later version by the time I get a response? ;o)
  2. RamyaS

    RamyaS Product Expert

    Hello Dancoiv,
    Please follow the steps as given below to update Parallels Desktop :
    1. Uninstall Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac as : Click on Finder --> Applications --> Drag and drop Parallels Desktop to Trash.
    2. Launch Disk Utility application located in Applications/Utilities > in Disk Utility click on Macintosh HD > click Repair Disk Permissions
    3. Restart your Mac.
    4. Download the Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac installation file from http://www.parallels.com/directdownload/pd10/ and install Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac and check how it goes!
  3. Dancoiv

    Dancoiv Junior Member

    That did the trick! Thank you very much! I really appreciate the quick response too!
  4. RamyaS

    RamyaS Product Expert

    Hello Dancoiv,
    Glad to hear that it worked.
    Feel free to contact us anytime, we are happy to help you!

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