Didn't get any reply from support, so posting my question here: I like this product very much, had used trial versions ,and decided that such a product worths it's money and finally bought one. That time I was working at Company#1 and installed Parallels Desktop on my corporate laptop (I hadn't private macbook that time). Later I left Company#1 and joined Company#2. My Company#1's laptop was wiped and left in IT office. Company#2 gave me new laptop on which I've installed Parallels Desktop using license I've bought. Some time ago I've left Company#2 to join Company#3. And guess what? My working laptop was wiped and left in Company#2 office - and Company#3 gave me another macbook on which I've installed Parallels Desktop to play my favorite windows games. Now I got my personal macbook, uninstalled parallels from corporate one, but I can't activate my copy - it says that I've reached activation limit. I haven't violated license agreement - at any moment there was only one installation with my key - #####-#####-#####-#####-##### Also I have an account on parallels bound with my email, and I can't add this key to my account - site says that this key is already activated so I can't add it to list of my keys, but on any activation attempt I get email to my address saying that somebody is trying to steal my key. So is this key bound to my account or not?! Hope, you'll help me to resolve this problem. Also, can you explain me your pricing policy? I have Parallels Desktop 9. On your site I can upgrade it to Parallels Desktop 10 for 2490RUB, but I can buy fresh copy from your official partner for just 2698RUB. Does that mean that Upgrading instead of Buying fresh version saves me about 200RUB, which is just 4$? It's your product and you setup marketing policy, but usually upgrading vs buying new version saves 30-40% - not less than 10% WBR, Dmitry Zvorygin.
Hi Dmitry, As per the End User License Agreement : http://kb.parallels.com/112971 one license of Parallels Desktop can be used only in one Machine simultaneously. It is always recommended to uninstall Parallels Desktop application completely from old Mac before installing in the new Mac. We require more information about your license key, so we can help you better. I have sent you a private message, please check it and reply to my private message.
I have the same problem. I have installed maybe 1 year ago Parallels Desktop 9 on my Macbook pro. Now I bought a new Macbook pro and I can`t install Parallels. It says that I have reached the maximum of activations (??). Can someone help me please.