JarvisS, sorry for a big delay.
Ah, this really makes sense. It seems like Vagrant detect's the wrong name of provider by some reason: "Parallels" instead of "parallels".
It most likely that this is a global Vagrant problem (not Parallels-specific) and it is reproduced in the some rare cases.
I'd like to fix it, so please, help me to investigate this problem:
1) What box are you using? Is it one of our official boxes (https://atlas.hashicorp.com/parallels/boxes/) or your own?
If it is your own box, please show the content of the following file:
2) Please, collect the debug log during the first "vagrant up" by this command:
vagrant up --debug 2>debug_up.log
and then try to do some subsequent command:
vagrant ssh --debug 2>debug_ssh.log
You can send these logs to me by e-mail ([email protected]) or attach them to your support ticket which you've already created and just tell me this ticket number
3) After the first `vagrant up` you will see that directory ".vagrant" is created in the working directory.
Is there this file?
Or this one?