Upgrade PD7 to PD10 : Activation problem with the code

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by François_Cornet, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. François_Cornet

    François_Cornet Bit poster

    I have a problem when I put the activation codes for an upgrade. The code for parallels 10 is recognized as well, but not for parrallels 7.
    Is there any typicular procedure to install the soft because it's on a new mac?
    I first, installed the version 7, everything was ok, the code too... but when I make the update, the version 10 wont recognize the code of PD7.

    Thanks a lot
  2. Mervin@Parallels

    Mervin@Parallels Guest

    Hi François_Cornet,
    Upgrade to Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac is only supported from the following versions:
    • Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac
    • Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac Upgrade
    • Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac
    • Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac Upgrade
    If your previous version is Parallels Desktop 7 or earlier, you should buy a full license of Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac. We can process the refund for your upgrade purchase.
    Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
  3. François_Cornet

    François_Cornet Bit poster

    Thank you for your answer. I'll buy a full lincence, so yes you can process the refund.
    Have a nice day.

  4. Mervin@Parallels

    Mervin@Parallels Guest

    Hello François,
    Please check your Private message.

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