Parallels 10 Removal

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by philip_fisher1, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. philip_fisher1

    philip_fisher1 Bit poster

    I have a MacBook Air running Yosemite 10.10.1. I have Parallels Desktop 10 installed and configured on this MBA. PDM 10 was installed under Yosemite NOT Mavericks. If I downgrade Yosemite to Mavericks, what happens to the Parallels? I will be using Time Machine to perform the downgrade back to Mavericks. Does VM remain intact or will I have to reinstall PDM 10 under Mavericks?
  2. Abdul@Parallels

    Abdul@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi Philip,

    If you have backed up the Virtual Machine, you can use the same Virtual Machine after downgrading Mac OS X.
    Please locate your Virtual Machine by following
    Even if Parallels Desktop application is removed, the Virtual Machine will remain the same, so you can reinstall Parallels Desktop application and use the same Virtual Machine.
  3. philip_fisher1

    philip_fisher1 Bit poster

    Thanks for the response. Just to be clear, I will locate Windows 8.pvm and copy it to an external drive. Next, I will perform the downgrade to Mavericks using a TM backup. Once I have completed the downgrade and now I have Mavericks on my MBA, VM will still be there? What do I do with Windows 8.pvm?
  4. Abdul@Parallels

    Abdul@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi Philip,

    Once downgrading your Mac OS, please check if the Windows 8.pvm file is available in your Mac HD.
    If it is available and works fine, then you can delete the backup which is in your external hard-disk. Taking a backup of your Virtual Machine is a safer way in order not to lose your Virtual Machine (files and data present in it).
  5. philip_fisher1

    philip_fisher1 Bit poster

    I performed the downgrade and the Parallels folder is not there. I am looking under Documents. Do I have to perform a complete reinstall?

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