How to don't show 'Parallels Desktop Control Center'.

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Parallels User, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. I wanna don't see virtualOS list.

    help me.
    ShukiC likes this.
  2. Eugene@Parallels

    Eugene@Parallels Banned

    The Control Center is one of the inbuilt features.
    It is impossible to hide it.
    Any may I ask you why would you like to do that?
  3. RobInAz

    RobInAz Bit poster

    Likely because when switching windows using alt/tab you want the virtual OS to take the foreground, but the control center takes the foreground. I only use one virtualized OS, so control center doesn't really help me and it gets in the way.
  4. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Minimize the window.
  5. Robert Grether

    Robert Grether Junior Member

    I, too, would love to disable the control center from popping up every time. In Parallels 9, it would disappear once the VM was open, so when it came to launching, switching between or quitting a VM, it was much, much faster. For example, it used to be that I could just quit Parallels and that would Suspend my VM. Now, I have to Quit the VM and Quit Parallels, just to get the Mac ready for shutting down, otherwise I get a message saying that Parallels prevented Shutdown. It used to be so, so much more seamless. Now, unless I take the extra step to close the Control Center each time I launch, I have to Command-Tab between it, too.

    I think the Control Center would be great for a developer that is trying to test software on a number of different OS's, but for a Mac user trying to run a few Windows apps, it's really a step backwards.
    ShukiC and Robert_Swanson like this.
  6. John_Wood

    John_Wood Bit poster

    Just installed Version 10 & if this is a new feature, it's really frustrating!! Control Center pops up every time I switch from OSX back to Windows (the latter being my only virtual machine). Adds no value & wastes time to cancel it every switch between the OS's. PLEASE tell me how to disable this pop-up???
    Robert_Swanson likes this.
  7. Ian Fray

    Ian Fray Bit poster

    I'd like to be able to disable it too. I liked parallels 9 behaviour. For now I have always 2 icons on dock and useless window to close each time i start/stop parallels. I've never used more than one virtual machine. And it pops on each vm activation (when I click vm icon on dock).
  8. Robert_Swanson

    Robert_Swanson Bit poster

    As a former VMware Fusion user evaluating Parallels, this is the only annoyance in Parallels I've come across so far. I'd like to strongly second the request -- as stated by users here and on multiple other threads -- that this mutli-icon "feature" of Parallels 10 be something we can disable. I almost never have more than one VM running, and it drives me crazy to have to flip past a second, unnecessary Parallels control center app when I use command-tab.
  9. David_Charlebois

    David_Charlebois Bit poster

    I am a long time Parallels user. I can't recall having the Control Center pop up with previous versions. It is really annoying, there must be a way to disable this action. Parallels please fix!!!
  10. LaurenceC

    LaurenceC Member

    I also agree with the above, its really annoying and don't need to see it..
  11. Jeff_Haozous

    Jeff_Haozous Bit poster

    I agree with the comments. It's a function that has no benefit to most users, and in fact it interferes with my use of the product.
    It's an example of poor design.
  12. Julien_Million

    Julien_Million Bit poster

    I fully agree with previous users, and there should be a way to hide the Control Center in next update of PD10. Like others I have only one VM, and therefore I don't need it, unless there is a another use of the CC that I did not understand and that would change my life.
  13. Adrian_Maggs

    Adrian_Maggs Bit poster

    This, and the two icons in the dock issue which has resulted in an even more vocal uprising have resulted in my not only uninstalling PD10, but also returning it for a refund (fortunately I was within the time limit for a refund to be claimed). I'm now evaluating VMWare Fusion, which not only seemed to migrate my VM with no problem, but also allows me to run it with no control centre type application cluttering up my screen, and only one icon in the dock.

    Parallels, you've got 15 days left to win me (and I'm guessing, many, many others) back as customer - make both of these "features" optional. If you are unwilling to do this (and it would be an unwillingness, rather than an inability, given that neither of these were in PD9), I'll purchase VMWare (they have a pretty good crossgrade pricing) and be gone from Parallels for good.

    The clock is ticking.....
  14. Ed Stembridge

    Ed Stembridge Junior Member


    CRAIG TAYLER Junior Member

    I want to know what the heck possesed this firm to add that ridiculous useless "Parallels Desktop Control Center" pop up window when I switch over to my VM using the Parallels icon on my macbook. I see no real value to having paid for 10 for Yosemite and if there is no way to get rid of this eyesore waste of time I am going to request a refund of 10.
  16. wassy

    wassy Bit poster

    I have to add another post in agreement with removing the control center. It is useless and very frankly, it annoying and a PITA!
  17. johncarson

    johncarson Bit poster

    This was annoying to me too. I tried this fix -so far it works.
    Go to Configure/Options/Startup and Shutdown
    In Start Automatically field enable: "When Parallels Desktop starts"
    In my case this starts VM when Parallels starts, eliminating the "Control Center" window.
  18. Jim_Nagy

    Jim_Nagy Bit poster

    Works for me - I don't see the Control Centre any more. I still seem to need a two step shutdown though. So far I can not see any advantage of using v10 over v9.
  19. BradleyP1

    BradleyP1 Bit poster

    Another vote!!! Get rid of that stupid window. It's annoying as hell. I only have one virtual machine so I don't need a separate window to select it. Closing the window only lasts for a brief period of time until it decides to show up again.
  20. JoelH1

    JoelH1 Member

    Totally agree. The incessant popup is as bad as popup ads in a browser, maybe worse!

    ShukiC likes this.

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