How to downgrade from PD 10 to PD 9

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by ThempuS, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Abdul@Parallels

    Abdul@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi All,

    Please Go to Virtual Machine Configure ( -> General -> Change Configure for : to "Productivity" which may help you with the virtual machine performance.
  2. Robert_Gibilaro

    Robert_Gibilaro Bit poster

    Just to add to the dogpile. I also agree that Parallels 10 upgrade was a waste of money. I have had nothing but performance issues with it since I upgraded. In fact, I thought it was my mac (newest macbook pro, 16gb RAM, Retina, etc.) so I wiped the hd, reinstalled OS X Mavericks and then did a clean download and install of Parallels 10. Imported my Windows 8.1 VM, and it has still been laggy, with Parallels even crashing occasionally. I am extremely disappointed.

    I have been with Parallels since version 4. Perhaps time to consider VMWare.

    P.S. I tried your suggestion above; setting configuration to "Productivity". It just changed all of my settings. (1GB of memory for a 64-bit machine. Really?). Shameful.

    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
  3. KavehV

    KavehV Member

    Not a peep out of Parallels at this point for weeks. When can your paying customer expect some fixes to these issues we've paid to upgrade to?
  4. Ed_Hickl

    Ed_Hickl Bit poster

    Wished I had seen this forum sooner. I bought and downloaded Version 10 before seeing this forum. Didn't even get the migration to work on initial attend to get started.. Tried support chat (no response after 10 minutes even though I was the first one in the que), also emailed report and no response not even a 'we got your request' - No problems with taking the money- that works perfectly for them but support seems to be very poor = despite saying "contact customer support". Yeah "try contacting customer support". I am guessing V 10 is so buggy that the support team does not have time to respond. I posted a thread with a question. I am not expecting a good result. Then saw this about downgrading. Getting mad or about to go mad.
  5. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    I saw your other post where you detailed the problem you had, I'm sorry, but your problem is lack of sufficient space for migrating an ~90 GB Windows installation.
  6. Craig_Rogers

    Craig_Rogers Bit poster

    Just to add to this, i am getting very poor performance when compared with 9, and I get a lot of crashes. For example I just suspended a machine, it got to 15% and then the entire laptop locked. This version really isn't worth upgrading to yet, stick with 9.
  7. KavehV

    KavehV Member

    I would encourage everyone in this thread to start a support case with Parallels and ask for a refund of the cost of PD10. In its current state, PD10 should have been a free beta instead of a paid upgrade.

    Parallels has at least made things right with me by making PD10 a "free" upgrade by refunding my original $50 upgrade fee and sending me an activation key for PD10 (since the refund caused the original one to expire).
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
  8. Sunny_Ho

    Sunny_Ho Bit poster

    I paid for PD10 a week ago, it's been a nightmare to me to be honest. At first i thought it was supposed to be slow at the first startup and gradually would pick up some speed. but NO... NOT AT ALL!

    it constantly takes up 3xx% (i don't even know how that is possible, but i swear it is more than 300%, not 30! THREE HUNDREDS!).
    I then went to the support page and followed the steps, uninstalled PD10, unplug all USB Devices... Reboot, Reinstalled PD10... Still the same 3XX%...

    Please tell me where the promised speed improvement is?
    And now i have to go through all the troubles to downgrade back to PD9?

    I'm also working in the software industry... and i'm sorry to say this, when an update costs that much troubles to a customer, it's definitely something wrong with it... and not to even mention that this update is not a free update.

    I'm utterly disappointed.
  9. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    * 300% means it's using 3 cores.
    * PDM 10 is an upgrade, not an update.

    Could you check the Task Manager under Windows and see what processes, if any are hogging the CPU?
    I would also recommend uninstalling and reinstalling Parallels Tools inside Windows.
  10. totvos

    totvos Member

    I have had virtual disk corruptions with P10 (see my other thread) but to answer the OP directly, I found that you do not need to uninstall Parallels Tools. Simply run the installer for P9. It does not even have to be the latest because the installer will download the latest P9 for you and install it over top of P10. Then, when you open your VM, it will correctly detect that Parallels Tools is out of date, and install the correct version for P9.

    I have gone back and forth from P10 to P9 several times now in the hopes that newer P10 releases fix the disk corruption problem but, as of right now, I am back on P9.

    CRAIG TAYLER Junior Member

    I have asked for a refund. I got the same answer I have gotten for every question I have asked of Parallels - No response! This time, I am going after these fools. They have gotten my $50.00 "upgrade fee" evey year. they promise all these enhancments and we get little of it. Done!
  12. Ove Andersen

    Ove Andersen Bit poster

    I can verify the problem as well. Got rubbish performance after upgrading to 10. Thought Paralells would fix it, but now it's been almost half a year, and they've only provided minor improvements to everything other than the major problems. Worst $50 spent ever.
  13. Mauro Servienti

    Mauro Servienti Bit poster

    Same issue here, upgraded one week ago, my VMs are now pretty useless :-|

    Are the revert to PD9 steps supported? anyone tested? I need to work and with the VM in the current state it is nearly to impossible. Visual Studio performances are the worst ever, and the muse behaves really badly.

    Really poor experience my dears, advertising a performance gain of the 30% is in this scenario to me is against the law.
  14. Mauro Servienti

    Mauro Servienti Bit poster

    After a couple of hours of fighting and crying :) I downgraded to PD9 and VM performance are back again.
  15. IQmac

    IQmac Bit poster

    I too have had issues with PD 10. The first is that I couldn't set up my Windows XP VM with anything more than 2 gigs of memory, anything more and the VM would hang (upgraded from 9 to 10). I worked with Parallels support on this, submitted problem reports, maybe there will be a fix in a future version. Until then my XP VM is limited to 2 gigs.

    Then I had problems with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, it now won't run in coherence mode, won't even run in full screen. In coherence it just comes up with a black screen, no display of the cockpit. I can access the menu, but never get anything displayed. In full screen, if I move the mouse the screen goes bonkers.

    So I gave up and downgraded to PD 9, but my problem with running FlightSim in coherence or full screen is still there, can't figure out why. I deinstalled Parallels tools, removed Parallels 10 using AppCleaner, then installed PD 9, guess there is still something somewhere on the MAC or in my pvm file that is hosed. So it goes...

  16. IQmac

    IQmac Bit poster

    Well I resolved my Flight Simulator issue in PD9, I think the problem was actually with the program and not PD9 (or 10). Toggled off and on a few settings under Screen Options and lo and behold it works.

    With that in mind reinstalled PD10, and did the same and fixed Flight Simulator under PD10 too.

    So my outstanding issue with PD10 is that I cannot assign more than 2 gigs of memory to my XP VM. Problem report open for that and maybe a fix in the near future.

    I am still running Mavericks, and only run a few apps under Windows, so not expecting to cop me across many issues with PD10. Flight Simulator was my concern and with it fixed, life goes on!

  17. jhr

    jhr Junior Member

    The rollback to version 9 worked reasonably well. Only CD driver was missing (in XP) and I had to copy Parallel tools ISO image over network and install tools from image. Currently I'm not missing anything from version 10 and I'm 100% happy with old version. This may change with Windows 10 but currently I see absolutely no reason to upgrade to version 10 of PD.
  18. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    I would advise to uninstall Parallels Tools from the VM prior to downgrading.
  19. HarryM1

    HarryM1 Bit poster

    I too am new to Parallels and am running v.10 on a new Mac Book Pro Retina and find myself wishing to ditch it completely. Every time I try to save a file, it hangs up for about 30-60 seconds before giving me access to folders. I am so fed up with this experience that I wish I had just gone the boot camp route to begin with. I bought my new computer so I could increase my productivity, not evolve a new vocation as an IT professional...I was relying on Parallels for that!
  20. Dave_TX

    Dave_TX Bit poster

    OK, what's the plan to fix this PD10 sluggish performance problem? This list of complaints is 6 months long and I'm tired of watching pinwheels of death, not only on my WinXP desktop, but also on my OSX desktop. I'm running the latest PD10 and the latest Yosemite and they are a bad match. It would be nice if the money I paid for PD10 would flow back onto my credit card when I downgrade.

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