Does VM run "hot" ?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by driver49, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. driver49

    driver49 Member

    Seems to me the fan on my MacBook only comes on when I'm running Windows XP in Parallels VM, and when I close the VM the fan goes off shortly after.

    Does VM cause the processor (a 2.16GHz dual core in my case) to run hotter than would otherwise be the case?

  2. Relan

    Relan Parallels Developers


    Yes, you are right. When Mac OS X is running idle it performs some work but there is not much to do, so processor does not run hot and the fan is off. When you start Windows it also runs it's background tasks that eat CPU time. Also virtualization layer does some work. So when you run a VM processor load is increased and Mac OS X decides that CPU needs additional cooling.
  3. kat

    kat Product Expert

    hi driver49,

    Mine got hot too. I purchased a ilap but anything that would elevate the laptop and not cover the back vents would work. I got the ilap so my kitten wouldn't try and sit on my computer. It's on an angle. Keeping the loptop cool was just an added benefit.

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