Parallels 10 issue

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by JohnRav, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. JohnRav

    JohnRav Junior Member

    Discovered one hiccup with Parallels 10 since installing last night. Version 9 supported thunderbolt external drives and it appears that support is lost in version 10. My external thunderbolt drive will not mount or show up under version 10. Bummer
    Is this something that will get a quick fix??? Fingers crossed....
  2. KonstantinO

    KonstantinO Member

    Hello, could you provide problem for us and post report ID here ( ?

    NOTE: before collect problem report VM should be started and thunderbolt disk connected.
  3. JohnRav

    JohnRav Junior Member

    I am adding a follow up note. I switched the thunderbolt cable to using a USB cable as the drive has both ports and the drive works fine using USB. So it is definitely a thunderbolt issue. When I switch back to thunderbolt the drive will not show up under the VM.
  4. WrightA

    WrightA Bit poster

    I found with Version 9 that I had to have the thunderbolt drive connected before starting the Windows VM or else it couldn't be seen within the VM.

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