Initial Experience with Version 10 Positive

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by jmanos3, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. jmanos3

    jmanos3 Member

    I upgraded from version 9 to 10 today and experienced no issues. The upgrade of all of my virtual machines - Windows 7, Ubuntu 14.04, and OS X 10.9.4 - went fine and overall performance seemed improved thought I did not measure specifics.

    Nice work Parallels!
  2. Robster

    Robster Hunter

    Likewise I upgraded today without hassle and can now also run 10.10 in a VM.

    However I must say I am very disappointed in changes to the Desktop Control Centre.

    HUGE icons, takes far more screen space than old version and missing a key feature I used to use extensively, you can no longer toggle on the little monitor screen for each VM showing memory use and CPU use on a per VM basis, I am going to really miss this!!!!

    Otherwise working perfectly so far.
  3. MauroCL

    MauroCL Bit poster

    I do agree that the upgrade was generally speaking a seamless one.

    I cannot sign yet for faster, less power consumption/longer battery life statements... seems the same to me. Although there are a couple of visual and functional features that were traded/improved in this upgrade:

    1. Good: I do not longer need to press Atl key to access the bar icon's extra menus. Simplified.
    2. To fix: In PD9 I used to keep in dock the Windows icon to start the VM and access the Windows Menu after, still it can be done, but once the machine is up, a new Windows icon will appear in the dock ending up with two dock icons doing the same.
    3. Lost: I do agree with Robster, the Desktop Control Center needs to be more discrete and informative as the PD9 one does.
    4. Good: VM can now access 2G of Video Memory... that's pretty cool. :)

    Let's see how it performs on the long run... but so far so good.

  4. SkyFoxXP

    SkyFoxXP Junior Member

    I am also very pleased with this new version.

    So far I have just one regret : the height of the VM title bar that is way larger than any other title bar in other applications (nearly 2 times larger). It may be the new rule of Yosemite but in my opinion this is some lost space in our display real estate...
  5. ShadowVA

    ShadowVA Bit poster

    My upgrade experience from 9 to 10 was not as smooth. Prior to the upgrade, I shutdown all of my VM's and the application. I ran the installer and it froze on "Uninstalling previous version". I left it on that screen for 30 minutes, but it did not advance. I had to Force close the installer, and then when I tried to run it again, it gave an error about unable to uninstall the previous version. Fortunately, I have CleanMyMac, and it saw the remnants of the P9 installation and was able to remove all of it. Once that was done, the installer ran and completed the install. After that, the upgrade of all my Windows VM's went smoothly.

    I have the same comments as the other users above (and same as comments in other threads) about the Dock icon and Control Center changes. I can appreciate some of the changes, but we are now in a weird state where we got extra icons we don't need and we can't do things like launch previous VM's from the main icon. Please re-think what you are trying to accomplish here and think about the use cases of your customers. I want to have ONE icon in my dock, and I want to be able to launch previous VM's from it. If for some reason you want us to now use Launchpad for that, I can live with that, but get rid of the main icon then that doesn't do anything since you now have an icon for each running VM (which I am not a huge fan of but could live with if the other icon was gone). Thanks for listening to your customers. I know change is always difficult and some change is good. This just needs to be tweaked a little bit.
  6. RonaldNC

    RonaldNC Bit poster

    I can't see any improvement in Version 10... it's still just as slow. Additionally, I find the Control Center pop-up annoying. Feel like I wasted $50.

  7. GrinningShark

    GrinningShark Junior Member

    I agree with all of the comments on this thread. I would concur about the control center pop-up (and that it is much larger) and the dock icons. P9 was pretty good and P10 seems slightly snappier, however some of the minor changes are perplexing as to why they needed to be changed when they were just fine (i.e. dock icons). Sometimes I feel like things just get changed so they can be added to the list of changes to justify an upgrade cost.
  8. NestorRyb

    NestorRyb Bit poster

    Now that's what I wanted to know..... ie your comment " I can't see any improvement in Version 10... it's still just as slow ".

    It's good to hear an early but honest assessment on what would be the most important reason to buy Version 10 (speed) rather than reading:

    I upgraded from version 9 to 10 today and experienced no issues.
    I upgraded today without hassle
    Let's see how it performs on the long run... but so far so good.
    I am also very pleased with this new version.

    or the title " Initial Experience with Version 10 Positive "

    Those statements say absolutely nothing and wouldn't tempt me to upgrade.....
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
  9. NestorRyb

    NestorRyb Bit poster

    " Sometimes I feel like things just get changed so they can be added to the list of changes to justify an upgrade cost. "

    Looks like between RonaldNC's and your comment I've saved myself $50.... I'll run with v9 until more truth comes out...
  10. RonaldNC

    RonaldNC Bit poster

    I wish I had read my post before I paid for the upgrade... LOL!

  11. GrinningShark

    GrinningShark Junior Member

    Must . . . find . . . time traveling vortex . . .
  12. EllwoodN

    EllwoodN Hunter

    I can say so far, after PD10 installing on the following:
    Early 2011, 13", 2.7GHz i7, 8GB RAM Macbook Pro
    Late 2013, 27", 3.4GHz i5 iMac, 24GB RAM (with attached Thunderbolt display)

    With some quick testing with Win7/SP2 and Win8.1 I have not come across any any issues so far.
    Overall most apps do seem to open faster and working in all of them seem to be a bit "snappier".
    Some of the apps: Microsoft Visio 2007, IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM, LTSpice, ORCAD 9.2,
    Visual Studio 2012, MATLAB.
    Monday when I really start getting down to some real work in the VMs, I will get a better feel.
    At least compatibility wise with the stuff I am working with there doesn't seem to be any issues.

    At least for now, no "disasters" or odd anomalies have occurred.
  13. AlbertJ1

    AlbertJ1 Bit poster

    EllwoodN - I have loaded OrCAD 16.6 on my machine and everything works except the zoom and scroll functions. Have you seen this and/or can you suggest a something I should try?

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