Newbie ?s: How Do I Install Apps in XP?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by driver49, Jul 23, 2007.

  1. driver49

    driver49 Member

    After nearly 30 yrs in the DOS/Windoze world, I walked out of an Apple store ystdy with a MacBook. Like everybody else here, being able to run WinXP via Parallels is the ingredient that makes it even possible to think about switching platforms.

    My install of Parallels did not go smoothly at first. XP wouldn't install from the CD. I had to call Parallels tech support and they walked me through creating a disk image and installing XP from that. Now I have XP running as a "guest" OS in a window on the Mac. Pretty slick.

    Now I need to install the one or two Windows apps I need to run, most notably OneNote, but I have encountered an obstacle even finding the installation CD (Jeez, with Wind'ohs, it's just AWAYS something, isn't it?) in "my computer."

    Everytime I open my computer, it seems to think that the Windows XP installation disk is still in the CD drive. I double click and it asks me what I want to do with Windows XP.

    Well, I don't want to do anything with Windows XP. I want to instal OneNote from the installation CD. But, for whatever reason, I can't seem to find the disk and I wonder if it has something to do with the disk image I created. There is a drive icon on the Mac desktop that has the same name as the disk that shows up in the D: drive in MyComputer... what exacty is that? I don't think I want to delete it (yet) but that must be what's showing up in MyComputer.

    I put the OneNote installation disk in the drive in the Mac, and it will show up on the Mac Desktop, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to install it from there. In any event, when I double click on it, it just opens, it doesn't the setup routines.

    So... can somebody tell me what's the trick to installing my apps into WinXP via Parallels on the Mac?

    I'm liking this Mac environment so far. I really don't want to go back to the dark side. But I have to get it to do the tricks I need before I can toss my PC in the ash heap.


  2. Purplish

    Purplish Forum Maven

    When in Parallels, you should see the Parallels drop down menu at the top of the Mac screen.

    Click Devices/CD - DVD Rom 1/Default CD - DVD Rom

    This should put a checkmark next to the CD DVD Rom in the list. This will tell Parallels that the CD Drive is to be disconnected from the Mac and connected to the VM (until you either release it, or you exit Parallels).

    Now the CD drive should show up in my computer and you should be able to install programs just as you did in Windows.
  3. kat

    kat Product Expert

    It sounds like you may have to make an addition to your hardware configuration.
    Select a machine but do not turn it on. Next click on Edit then virtual machine, This will bring you to a profile of your machine. Click on cd/dvd rom 1... once it is highlited go to bottom of page click is add on cd/dvd rom... click on next ...add cd/dvd-rom Use a real Cd/dvd-rom drive click on next ... check connect the cd/dvd-rom at startup then click finish that will add a cd/dvd rom to your machine. make sure you click on ok. then re start.

    good luck
  4. kat

    kat Product Expert


    I like Purplish answer...much better...Kat :)
  5. Purplish

    Purplish Forum Maven

    You will probably also want to "eject" or disconnect that windows disk image file at some point, since you don't need it anymore. I think you can do this from the same drop down menu that I mentioned above.
  6. driver49

    driver49 Member

    Purplish said: >>>Click Devices/CD - DVD Rom 1/Default CD - DVD Rom

    This should put a checkmark next to the CD DVD Rom in the list. This will tell Parallels that the CD Drive is to be disconnected from the Mac and connected to the VM (until you either release it, or you exit Parallels).<<<

    That worked. It was like the CD was sucked into "My Computer" and immediately started running/installing itself.


  7. driver49

    driver49 Member

    Great Minds Think Alike

    Yeah, I JUST figured that one out myself.

    Now, when I'm ready to run another CD/DVD in Windows, I just click on Devices... CD/DVD-ROM 1 ... Connect to Default CD/DVD-ROM ... right?

    Thanks for the help,

  8. Purplish

    Purplish Forum Maven

    Generally speaking, yes. However, windows will have control of the drive until you either un-check it from the drop-down menu, or shut down the VM and Parallels.

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