Transporter fails attempting connection

Discussion in 'Parallels Transporter' started by rsusit8r, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. rsusit8r

    rsusit8r Bit poster

    I'm a Parallels newbie trying to migrate my WinXP SP2 machine via Transporter. I have Transporter Agent running on my Windows machine. Transporter is running on my Mac. I'm connecting via wireless LAN. Norton Protection is turned off on Windows. The wizard recognizes my source Windows machine.

    When I click the "Continue" button, a dialog pops up on my Mac asking me to "Wait while transporter collects information about the source computer." My Windows machine dialog changes transiently from "Ready..." to "Connected..." and quickly back to "Ready..." as the following error appears on my Mac: "An error occurred while Parallels Transporter was collecting the information about source computer. Make sure Parallels Transporter Agent runs on source computer and not involved in other migration process."

    Unless my Windows machine is planning a trip up north with some local geese-- which it might if it knew its post-migration fate :) -- I'm pretty sure it's not involved in another migration as it's been freshly restarted.

    Any ideas, o Transporter guruim?


  2. Helen@Parallels

    Helen@Parallels Parallels Developers

    Hello, Rsusit8r,

    The problem which is described above may occur in case of incorrect setup of Parallels Transporter Agent driver.

    Please, could you check in additional that the driver was installed correctly:
    on last step of installing before you start migration process you should reboot your computer, after that the snapman.sys driver should be located on C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ and also can you check in Start menu\Control panel\Administrative Tools\Computer Management\<your computer>\Disk drives\STXXXXXXXX\Properties\Details Class Upper Filters property contains snapman in list of filters?

    In case of incorrect setup of Parallels Transporter Agent driver you should reinstall the Parallels Transporter and Parallels Transporter Agent on your Windows PC by the next sequence of acts:
    - Deinstall your existing Parallels Transporter package;
    - Important: Restart your Windows PC just after deinstalling;
    - Reinstall Parallels Transporter package;
    - Restart your Windows PC again;
    - Check that your Parallels Transporter and Parallels Transporter Agent run successfully and start to migrate

    In additional, could you provide us with Transporter log files on [email protected] with subject 'Transporter Problems' to investigate this problem more detail?

    Log files of Parallels Transporter and Parallels Transporter Agent locate on:

    Mac: <home>/Library/Logs/Parallels/transporter_cl.log

    Windows: %TEMP%\Parallels Transporter\transporter_xx.log
    for example,
    for Windows XP, 2000, 2003: C:\Documents and Settings\<Usr name>\Local Settings\Temp\Parallels Transporter\transporter_xx.log
    for Vista: C:\Users\<Usr name>\AppData\Local\Temp\Parallels Transporter\transporter_xx.log


    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2007
  3. dave_hill

    dave_hill Bit poster

    Me too

    I'm having this exact same problem. I've tried reinstalling transporter and although I can see the driver I can't see anything in upper filters.

    Is there a fix for this?
  4. Helen@Parallels

    Helen@Parallels Parallels Developers

    Be sure that during reinstalling the sequence of acts was the following (Step2 is very important):

    Step1: Deinstall your existing Parallels Transporter package;
    Step2: Important: Restart your Windows PC just after deinstalling;
    Step3: Reinstall Parallels Transporter package;
    Step4: Restart your Windows PC again;
    Step5: Check that your Parallels Transporter and Parallels Transporter Agent run successfully and start to migrate

    Please, provide us with Transporter log files on [email protected] with subject 'Transporter Problems'.

    Thank you,

    Best Regards,
  5. beejybone

    beejybone Bit poster

    Same Problem

    I am having the exact same issue. I have tried the steps suggested by Helen repeatedly to no avail. We are preparing to migrate dozens of actual PC's to Parallels VM's, and this problem has stopped this project cold. Can we get some kind of a resolution?
  6. oicur0t

    oicur0t Bit poster

    I too am suffering with this malady!
  7. dave_hill

    dave_hill Bit poster

    Still no success

    Hi Helen,

    Uninstalled transporter for second time and this time I can see snapman in all the right places but still getting that same error message.

    I've emailed the logs to [email protected]

    I opened trouble ticket Parallels #166652 on Sunday and so far haven't received a reply from the elusive support engineer.
  8. Helen@Parallels

    Helen@Parallels Parallels Developers

    Old Parallels Desktop for Mac 3188 and new Parallels Transporter package 3.0.1240

    Hello, Dave_hill,

    Preliminary reviewing of logs detects that you have different versions of Parallels Transporter Agent installed on your PC (Build 3.0.1240) and Parallels Transporter installed on your Mac (Build 2.0.1080).

    If you use Parallels Desktop for Mac Build 3188 which includes build-in Parallels Transporter 2.0.1080 you should use the appropriate Win package of Parallels Transporter (Agent) 2.0.1080 on your Windows PC. You can find Parallels Transporter Agent 2.0.1080 on

    If you use Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac Build 4128 which includes build-in Parallels Transporter 3.0.1240 we recommend to use the appropriate Win package of Parallels Transporter (Agent) 3.0.1240 on your Windows PC. You can find Parallels Transporter Agent 3.0.1240 on

    Between Parallels Transporter versions 1080 an 1240 some changes in network protocol were implemented. In this case old Parallels Transporter on Mac 1080 shows error message when tries to collect necessary information using new Parallels Transporter Agent 1240.

    Please, synchronize versions of your Parallels Transporter Agent on Windows PC and Parallels Transporter on Mac, you can do it by two methods:

    (I) Update your Parallels Desktop for Mac 3188 to Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac 4128 and keep your Parallels Transporter (Agent) 3.0.1240 package on your Windows PC


    (II) Step1: Deinstall your existing Parallels Transporter package 3.0.1240;
    Step2: Important: Restart your Windows PC just after deinstalling;
    Step3: Install old Parallels Transporter package 2.0.1080;
    Step4: Restart your Windows PC again;
    Step5: Check that your Parallels Transporter and Parallels Transporter Agent run successfully and start to migrate

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,
  9. dave_hill

    dave_hill Bit poster

    Activation key

    Hi Helen,

    That was good advice except for the fact version 3.0 isn't interested in the activation key that came with the 2.5 CD I've bought from the local reseller.

    I really don't want to downgrade and repeat the whole six hour process again.

  10. Win2Mac

    Win2Mac Bit poster

    Tried all the tips still did not suceed

    I followed the tips in this thread. But the parallels transporter on the source computer does still give me the migrating error message. I just do not have any success in transporting my computer. Well, I could physically...

    I sent my logs to the email address provided above. It would be great if you could provide me some help in transporting my windows 2000 SP4.

    Thanks in advance,

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 23, 2007
  11. ctzdba

    ctzdba Bit poster

    I'm having the exact same problem. Mine started b/c i needed to stop a clone operating midway through, it was the first attempt after installing. I know the issue is on the pc side b/c i can try to push the image and even before it looks for the mac it fails and says that it's involved in another session.

    There is some file that needs to be removed that's left over from the 1/2 attempt.

  12. prowse2000

    prowse2000 Bit poster

    I am also having the same issue as Rsusit8r

    :confused: I have followed the suggestions posted in the forum and still have the issue. I just purchased the boxed product and it is build 3136. I tried installing the Windows agents build for ver 3.0 (1240) and also the agent for build 1080 referenced elsewhere. Same problem. Is there an agent matched to 3136? I would hate to think I need to buy an upgrade to a version that shipped before I bought my boxed one.
  13. Helen@Parallels

    Helen@Parallels Parallels Developers

    Hello, Win2Mac (Matthias),

    Preliminary reviewing of logs detects that the reason of problem may be in the following:

    For all connections, Parallels Transporter uses fixed ports in the range of 1620 to 1623. Please, make sure firewall doesn’t block the connection (ports 1620..1623 must be unblocked).

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,
  14. dylanharris

    dylanharris Member


    I had the problem as reported, then read the advice to reboot after uninstalling the old version. That sorted it.

    I'd suggest that your installer should detect a previously incomplete uninstall, and either finish it, or reboot before continuing the fresh installation.

    [email protected] Bit poster

    WinXP Pro SP2 Transporter Agent Crashes

    I am attempting to migrate a Win XP SP2 install to a Parallel's virtual .hdd file using the Transporter Agent. Every single time I try to connect to the PC from a Mac, with the latest version of Parallels installed on both, it crashes the agent on the PC. I receive the usual Windows error of "ParallelsTransporterAgent.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close".

    I have been thru all the forum threads and have found nothing that helps. Is there some bug with the Transporter Agent on WinXP SP2?

    I must say it is extremely poor judgement for a company to not offer a limited free phone support term with each purchase. We just spent a sizable sum on 25 licenses for this product and have to turn around a pay more for support even though the product did not work out-of-box.:mad: Its not like we are attempting something the product isn't suppose to do. Or that these installs are anything but standard in every way.
  16. Bridget

    Bridget Bit poster

    Unable to move XP SP2 to Mac

    Same identical problem here. Furthermore the %temp%\Parallels Transporter\transporter_ag.log shows the following:
    ===========Header appears created when the agent is run ==========
    2007-07-03 13:56:12.031 [F] AG00010.02: 3.0.1240
    2007-07-03 13:56:12.062 [D] TR00005.03: 0
    2007-07-03 13:56:12.062 [D] TR00009.01:
    2007-07-03 13:56:12.187 [D] AG00005.01:; 1622
    ==========Reapeats the following 5 lines everytime I attempt to connect==
    2007-07-03 13:58:14.765 [D] AG00004.02:
    2007-07-03 13:58:17.875 [D] AG00005.08: ; ; 145842186
    2007-07-03 13:58:18.078 [D] AG00004.14:
    2007-07-03 13:58:18.093 [D] AG00004.11:
    2007-07-03 13:58:18.093 [D] TR00005.03: 0
    The Mac has Parallels Transporter 1080 and the PC XP SP2 has Parallels-Tsp-3.0.1240-Win.exen installed
  17. F4windex

    F4windex Bit poster

    XP SP2 to MacBook fails

    Sounds like I'm not alone...
    I've tried various fixes listed here and can't get the transfer to go beyond the initial stage over my wireless network. I have disabled firewall, set rules for the assigned ports, restarted both machines, all multiple times with the same results.
    I bought the boxed product from as Parallels 3.0, but the install on the Mac lists itself as 2.5 build 3188. The Transporter on the Mac is 2.0 build 1080. At first I downloaded and was running Agent build 1240 on the PC, but regressed to build 1080 as suggested in the forum. This made it go to the "Migrating point" for the first time! Yay!
    The consistent failure now is that the process starts (when initiated from Transporter on the Mac) and the Agent on the PC shows it is "Migrating" for about 15 minutes, then I get the error message on the Mac, and the PC has returned to "Ready".
    I will try a wired network setup next, and maybe even the portable HDD later, but I'm waiting to see if Parallels can sort this problem...
  18. Mike@Parallels

    Mike@Parallels Hunter

    2 F4windex

    Please, provide us with Transporter log files on [email protected] with subject 'Transporter Problems'.

    Log files of Parallels Transporter and Parallels Transporter Agent locate on:

    Mac: <home>/Library/Logs/Parallels/transporter_cl.log

    Windows: %TEMP%\Parallels Transporter\transporter_xx.log
    for example,
    for Windows XP, 2000, 2003: C:\Documents and Settings\<Usr name>\Local Settings\Temp\Parallels Transporter\transporter_xx.log
    for Vista: C:\Users\<Usr name>\AppData\Local\Temp\Parallels Transporter\transporter_xx.log

    Thank you,

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2007
  19. Keith_Hathcock

    Keith_Hathcock Bit poster

    The bad Transporter Agent link in Version 2 User Manual.

    Several people have had problems using the Parallels Transporter because they had a different version of Transporter on their Mac than the Agent on their PC. This is most likely caused by the information given on page 216, paragraph 4 of the User Manual for version 2. The manual says "If you're migrating data from a physical Windows computer, you must download Parallels-Tsp-2.0.XXX-Win.exe from to the Windows computer." -------------------------------The link should say as listed by Helen@Parallels in an earlier article.--------------------------------- Of course the web developer for the Parallels product could make the link in the book valid again and that would also stop this problem.

    Have a good day,
  20. Mike@Parallels

    Mike@Parallels Hunter

    2 Keith_Hathcock

    Thanks for your suggestion ! I will send our web team a mail.

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