Can't open 2nd virtual machine in Parallels 9 on newly installed Mavericks

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by J.R.W, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. J.R.W

    J.R.W Bit poster

    I just replaced the hard drive in my late 2009 i5 iMac, installed Mavericks, then transferred all my old Mountain Lion programs to the new drive, including Parallels 9 and two virtual computers -- Win7 and Win8. Unfortunately, while the directory for both indicated all the programs and OS were present, neither would open.

    So I re-installed Win7, went through hours of upgrades and finally have it fully updated and functioning (although without any of the software I had installed).

    As with Win7 (before and after the re-install), the Win8 VC also shows in the Virtual Machines list, but won't open either. I'm not sure how to go about getting it back. A complete re-install of the OS would require installing Win7 first, going through all those upgrades, then installing Win8 over it, doing all the upgrades to it, then installing Win8.1 on top of that. If I could get the original Win8 VC to open, I could avoid a lot of wasted time and effort, so if anyone knows how I might do that, please let me know.

    If it is corrupted and that's why it's not opening, then how do I go about getting it back -- or am I doomed to delete the existing machine listed and start a new VC, with Win7, then go through the whole lengthy upgrade process?

    FYI, where the OS icon usually is seen in the Virtual Machines list, that space for Win8 shows a terminal screen, but it's too tiny to see what is on it.

    Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.
  2. strells

    strells Product Expert

    Could the VM not have been shut down correctly or completely? Delete the VM from the list (this doesn't delete the drive image) and then create a new one, pointing to the .pvm file for it. The .pvm files are, by default, in the Parallels folder in your Documents folder.

  3. J.R.W

    J.R.W Bit poster

    Possibly, altho probably has more to do with bad sectors on my original iMac hard drive and moving everything to the new one. The .pvm also apparently was corrupted, so I wound up doing it the hard way -- creating new VMs with new OS and software installs. Rather time-consuming -- much of that just finding some of my old software -- but it seems to be doing the job, albeit far more slowly than I originally hoped.

    Thanks for the response, tho. If the old drive hadn't been such a rotting corpse, that probably would have worked and saved me a lot of time and effort.


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