Problems with most software installs--Quicken, Quickbooks, MS Office/Excel

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by BrianHowenstine, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. BrianHowenstine

    BrianHowenstine Bit poster

    Good Morning to all!

    I am using Parallels 9/Win 7 Home Premium/Maverick.

    Installation of 3rd party software has become a nightmare lately and I am just about to toss the whole Mac/Win deal and go back to using Windows on my laptop. It seems to me that most things worked well until I upgraded to Maverick/Parallels 9.

    I installed a newer version of MS Office and the installation said it failed but navigating to the folder and clicking the word and excel icons proved that it actually worked and all become usable.

    Same situation with installs but is missing this file for online banking. I can take the exact same download file and place on any one of my dedicated Win7 Pc's in my business and it loads correctly, first time on every machine. Quicken runs, but it is missing features that are NOT missing when I place on Win7 Machines.

    Quickbooks is the same story. Works on a PC but not on my Parallels machine.

    I have disabled firewalls, called intuit multiple times, online support, clean uninstalls, reinstalls to where it is just silly at this point.

    What in the world could be causing this on the windows side of the machine? I have never experienced problems prior to going with Parallels 9 any of these issues on installations.

    I honestly do not think it is software based because all load easily on Win7 dedicated PC' has to be something else.

    Any and all advice is appreciated.
  2. strells

    strells Product Expert

    How are you doing the installations: optical disk, disk image, download? What are the exact steps you are going through to install these apps?

  3. BrianHowenstine

    BrianHowenstine Bit poster

    Most all are in download form. I simply pick the software setup file per the instructions from the vendor. It just seems that time and time again I run into problems. I will keep working on it and I think some of it may be previous version folders, etc. Not convinced it is either Parallels or the software completely at fault. More frustrated than anything at this point.
  4. strells

    strells Product Expert

    Completely understandable. It's Windows after all!

    Have you tried full uninstalls using the Add/Remove programs control panel?

  5. BrianHowenstine

    BrianHowenstine Bit poster

    Just getting back on this again.....yes, complete uninstalls of programs, etc. I had the Quickbooks tech on my computer today and he says it is a problem with the Windows Installer Service. I have gone through numerous attempts to get the service to run and it does but simply hangs on installations. I have start the service manually, registered and unregistered the service. I have used the src /scannow tool. When that tool runs, it does not find any Integrity violations, which means to me that the install looks ok.

    Anyway.....any direction as to where I should go with all of this?

    I have attempted to install these programs on other Win7 computers and they go on the first install, every time. Would prefer to not reinstall windows as I have numerous windows programs that are custom written applications......
  6. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert


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