I'm also still waiting for my key. I got a reply but it was that I was not eligible for major update. I sent an email again attaced with original emails when I bought it in Feb 2007 but no replies.
I'm still waiting for my key as well... I just sent an email to support, we'll see how long it takes for them to send the key. It's a little disconcerting that Parallels seems to have forgotten about so many people with the "Upgrade Protection," but oh well.
I'll try emailing orders-support@. It's a fortnight now since the new version was released, and still no activation key
I've still not received my key under this so-called upgrade protection. I will re-contact support with the quoted original order email and see if that isn't more effective.
Still Waiting I'm in the same boat - I am currently subscribed to 1 year of free upgrades (purchased in January) but have not received a key. I sent an email a week ago to [email protected] with no response at all. I created a trial 3.0 key so I could use it while waiting for the real key, but it has now expired so I'm stuck with a 3.0 VM that won't run! Warning for anyone running Parallels 2.5 - don't upgrade to 3.0 until you have a permanent key or you'll be stuck with a non-functional VM.
OK, got mine... but it took me a few email messages and a few phone-calls until finally it was sent to me while on the phone talking to them... Keep trying...
I have upgraded to v3.0 in the assumption that I would receive my 'protected' key but I have heard nothing back from Parallels in nearly a week. I am considering approaching my credit card company to raise a complaint as I too purchased my copy in December during the 'upgrade protection' period. As I've already started the upgrade (silly me) I cannot use my VMs and I am seriously annoyed as I have things I need to be do and really need my new key. Can someone at Parallels please sort this out? It's not fair on those customer such as myself who bought Parallels during the upgrade protection offer in good faith, only to find Parallels effectively reneging on that deal. I'm sure there is a strong legal case here but I would prefer Parallels to do the honourable thing and provide what they originally promised. Anyone care to comment? Thanks, John
I haven't received mine. Any idea what to do? I've sent in two support requests complete with the copy of the receipt I received when I bought with the "incudes free upgrades" offer. Anyone out there know what to do? thanks John
Hello, Mike (or the Parallels support team): I'm in the same boat, and I'm really needing to get some data from my VM. Any help you may be able to offer would be much appreciated! --b
BeeEss dont hold your breath mate I PM'd my details a week ago to one of the team and I am still waiting
I bought Parallels right before the upgrade and was promised a new key for the 3.0 release...but still haven't recieved anything. All I got as a reply was a copy of my old activation key that I got with the purchase and that does not work with the 3.0 release... Getting frustrated now :/