Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac Build 23350 is available!

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by alev, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Dear Users,

    Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac (build 9.0.23350) addresses overall stability and performance issues, and includes the following new features and enhancements:

    For Parallels Desktop for Mac Enterprise Edition only
    - Configure Parallels Desktop to start in the background on Mac startup. Virtual machines configured to start automatically also start on Mac startup.
    - Administrators can set a date and time limit for a virtual machine after which it will stop working. OS X Mavericks support
    - Resolves an issue with system shortcuts not working after upgrading to OS X 10.9 Mavericks.

    Windows 8 support
    - Now you can create virtual machines booting from a Windows 8.1 Boot Camp partition.
    - Resolves an issue with Windows virtual machines not switching to Coherence after upgrading to Windows 8.1.
    - Resolves an issue with Windows 8.1 not occupying full screens when running in the non-native Full Screen view mode on multiple displays.
    - Resolves an issue with Parallels Tools installing two times in a row in Windows 8.1 after upgrading Parallels Desktop.

    - Resolves an issue with a guest version of OS X 10.8 not booting correctly after reclaiming disk space.
    - Resolves an issue with virtual machines crashing accidentally when switching to Coherence.
    - Resolves an issue with the Windows taskbar showing while Windows is running in Coherence.

    - Resolves an issue with some notifications and dialogs marked "Don't show again" still showing each time Parallels Desktop opens.
    - Resolves an issue with some virtual machines crashing accidentally on startup.
    - Resolves an issue with Parallels Desktop crashing accidentally while creating a Parallels account or virtual machine.
    - Resolves an issue with Parallels Desktop not starting after upgrading to a newer version.

    Updates for Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac are available via:
    - Parallels Desktop in-product update
    - Parallels Desktop download page -

    Updates summary:
  2. NicolaTrevisani

    NicolaTrevisani Bit poster


    after the upgrade to new build, on both my VM (Windows XP and Windows 8.1) I can't see the Mac Disks (local disk, usb disk, network unit) and shared folders. I've tried to disable/enable the options into the menu, but nothing changed.
    Could it be caused from the upgrade?

  3. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Hi Nicola,
    Can you please try to reinstall Parallels Tools? Window/FullScreen mode - menu bar menu: Virtual Machine -> Reinstall Parallels tools...
  4. NicolaTrevisani

    NicolaTrevisani Bit poster


    problem solved on Windows 8, but still present on VM with Windows XP. I've tried to reinstall Parallels Tools twice, but I can't see the Mac Disks. Other ideas?

  5. NeeravU

    NeeravU Bit poster


    After build 23350 PD9, my Windows 7 does not shut down properly. It used to shutdown properly before build 23350. It mentions prl_cc.exe as holding up the shutdown. I then have to force quit that app and then the shutdown is normal. Is it possible to get the previous build? I do not see the dmg file anywhere on my Mac. I am on OSX10.9

    Thanks for any help.
  6. svintusss

    svintusss Bit poster

    Problem persists with Windows XP guest VM. Still can't hide windows taskbar.
  7. rtruhlar

    rtruhlar Bit poster

    Same problem by me, reinstallation Parallels Tools didn't help. Windows taskbar still showing.
  8. Junehao

    Junehao Bit poster

    After upgrading to 23350 and updating Parallels Tools in Win 7 and Win XP VMs, not only Parallels Desktop freezes, it also caused OS X to freeze with garbled display or grey screen, and followed by 3-beep alarms (Apple's KB suggest that it's the hardware problem). It doesn't seem like a hardware problem because no other softwares would cause the same problem. Previous builds works pretty well but this build (23350) is a catastrophe. Please advice!
  9. Martin_B

    Martin_B Bit poster


    I am having the same problem, the Z: home drive is gone on Windows XP. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Parallels Tools, it didn't help.

  10. Martin_B

    Martin_B Bit poster

    I opened "Parallels Shared Folders" on Windows XP and Mapped a network drive to my shared home directory, it is back to the way it was now. It looks like just the drive mapping was lost, not the folder sharing.
  11. MarkHutch

    MarkHutch Bit poster

    Oh Dear Parallels ... no longer can I trust to update every time a new build comes along!!

    My Mac drives no longer accessible from Windows XP, although the Tools update went without error on 3 VMs and the VMs and Mac appear to work fine - except the lack of mapped drives!!!

    What has gone wrong? Why this drastic change and no mention of apology from Parallels???? Some of us use and depend on Parallels for business/work use - not just playing Solitaire!! Not good enough.
  12. DianaN

    DianaN Bit poster

    Two questions. How large is the file (some of us are data limited) and will V9 still run XP?

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