Hi there, I've done this before, where I make a VM using a Bootcamp partition, but now when i went to do it, i don't even see an option to be able to do it. I think maybe I did use Parallels 7 last time because I don't remember an android OS option, but then again maybe that is more recent than Parallels 8. this is what i see: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s49t4h09j98f0l9/Screen Shot 2013-11-05 at 8.15.31 AM.png Thanks! Caleb
Hmm...I don't have the Boot Camp option either and I'm on PD9. I'm assuming you can successfully boot into Windows. I'm not sure what's the problem. Steve
yea i'm totally able to boot up fine with bootcamp.. it's technically 8.1 but that shouldn't matter. Maybe they dropped support for bootcamp partition using? I'm glad you confirmed PD9 also doesnt have it as well.
Well, I doubt the feature was dropped since it's still mentioned in the built-in Help. It's more like PD is not recognizing that there's a valid Boot Camp partition to use for a new VM, which is odd. Steve
yea that makes sense. I just needs to be done differently. i'll contact parallels support and see what they have to say.