Paralllels Upgrades

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by PatrickVDB, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. PatrickVDB

    PatrickVDB Bit poster


    Each time when there is a new version of MacOS or even a new version of Windows, one needs to upgrade Parallels.
    That an upgrade, or beter said a Patch, is needed when a MacOS upgrade is done, I can fully understand.... but each time a PAYING update, that is totally ridiculous.
    When a new version of Windows come out, You need to BUY the upgrade.
    When a new version of MacOS comes out, You need to BUY the upgrade.

    A new version of windows should NOT require new virtualization software. If it is the case, it is not hardware virtualization software... or it is simply fake and made incompatibility is just some flag.

    A new version of MacOSX should most of the time only require a minor patch.... which actually should be free as in most applications.

    I think I already bought 3 upgrades from parallels... and now, I'm true with it. I think this is not honest. this doesn't really motivate private people using software legally.

    I can fully understand you have to pay for significant amount of functionality, but not for making some minor changes to make the software compatible with the latest OSX version.

    So, it is the end for me here.... I switch to vmware fusion.
  2. strells

    strells Product Expert

    Umm...PD8 works with Mavericks.

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