Anyone NOT get the upgrade email too????? Argh

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by kwandrews, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. kwandrews

    kwandrews Bit poster

    I have a full license of version 8 and it's within the window of time to get the free v9 upgrade / I qualify as I purchased it right before 9 was announced. I have not received the email with the upgrade license as the site suggests I will. Has anyone else received theirs? Anyone else still waiting?
  2. EvelineF

    EvelineF Junior Member

    I haven't received any update mails and only got the (annoying) popup msg Today. I don't qualify for the free upgrade but the ad with the special price offer sends me to a page offering me the upgrade for $20 more than advertised....what a mess...seems to get worse with each release.
  3. kwandrews

    kwandrews Bit poster

    The tech guarantee page does state:

    "Customers who purchased directly from Parallels during the Tech Guarantee period will be automatically notified when a new version of Parallels Desktop for Mac becomes available. An upgrade key will be sent to the email that was used for purchase. Please do not proactively contact customer service and allow up to two weeks of delivery after the release of a new version."

    With that in mind, I guess I should just wait. But it's available, it can be downloaded, just need the #$@* license key.
  4. EkaterinaZ

    EkaterinaZ Parallels Team

    kwandrews, you are right, upgrade keys will be sent to all customers who purchased Parallels Desktop 8 from Parallels Online Store on or after August 15 within 2 weeks after the release.

    If you do not receive your key(s) within the mentioned time frame, check your Junk/Spam E-mail folder.

    Please mind that the key will be sent to the e-mail address used for the purchase of version 8.
  5. Routerbad

    Routerbad Bit poster

    No, see what they plan on doing is waiting a full two weeks to send out automatically generated keys, all the while sending out daily "HEY! NEW! UPGRADE NOW MONEYZ!!" emails to catch any dullards who might see that email after only having bought what they thought was the latest version a month prior and assuming they'll now have to pay more money to upgrade it.

    Sending out automatically generated emails with automatically generated keys based on whatever algorithm they've got set up isn't exactly rocket science once all of the actual hard work has been done, but it pays to stall for as long as possible because there are people out there (and unfortunately I'm sure the majority of mac owners/users) who aren't that bright (at least where computing products are concerned) and happen to be doing fairly well financially.
  6. Kyanar

    Kyanar Bit poster

    "Within two weeks" huh? Well 22 days later (that's three weeks and a day by my reckoning!) no key received. Do you guys even intend to send these out? Or are you just waiting for everyone to get sick of waiting and buy yet another license?

    Has anyone actually GOT an upgrade email?
  7. EkaterinaZ

    EkaterinaZ Parallels Team

    Dear Kyanar,

    Thank you for letting me know.

    According to the records the key had already been sent to you. Can it be in your Spam folder? To make sure you receive it I have just resent it to you. Please check.
  8. Kyanar

    Kyanar Bit poster

    Nope, still nothing and postini archive search says the only emails I've received with the word "parallels" are my customer service ticket and this thread notification.

    Edit: and there it is! Many thanks, though I didn't receive it earlier.
  9. EkaterinaZ

    EkaterinaZ Parallels Team

    Kyanar, I have just created a support request for you and sent you the key through this request. You should receive an e-mail shortly.

    This time the e-mail was sent manually, I hope you receive it. If you still get nothing, please let me know.
  10. EkaterinaZ

    EkaterinaZ Parallels Team

    Kyanar, I see now you've received it. I'm glad to know that! And I'm really sorry you weren't able to get it earlier.

    I hope you enjoy using Parallels Desktop 9.

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