Need to resize (delete) partition on external disk with my virtual Machines?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Chacapamac, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. Chacapamac

    Chacapamac Junior Member

    I Need to resize (delete) partition on external disk with my virtual Machines and recreate it Smaller.

    Can I just copy my virtual machines somewhere, redo the partition (same name) and re-copy the virtual machines in there?

    Do I have to repoint Parallels to the virtual machines, as they are on a new partition (even with the same name)

    Not sure how to proceed?
  2. joevt

    joevt Forum Maven

    Can't Disk Utility resize the partition for you without erasing it? If that doesn't work, then iPartition can do it.

    You can move the virtual machines anywhere you like. You might have to repoint Parallels to the virtual machines if they appear in the Virtual Machines list with a ? question mark icon.
  3. Chacapamac

    Chacapamac Junior Member

    How do you do that....
  4. joevt

    joevt Forum Maven

    It's kind of obvious by looking at the configuration options. Select "Choose an image file" and go to where you moved the virtual hard disk (hdd) file.

    Oops, that's for hard disks. For moved virtual machines, it's the same thing. Click the virtual machine in the Virtual Machine List window, click "Locate", and then go to where you moved the virtual machine (.pvm) file.
  5. Chacapamac

    Chacapamac Junior Member

    Finally , Thanks , find it.

    Virtual Machine List —> Right click on the problem Virtual Machine —> Choose Configure —> Hardware Tabs —> Hard Disk (left icons) —> Source Button —> Choose an image File
  6. lotw

    lotw Product Expert

    If you turned off the expanding disc or a certain disc format resizing isn't possible within PD. You can however create a new HD from that section and use utilities that will transfer the information from the original virtual drive to the other.

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