parallels 9, mouse sensitivity and speed off the charts

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by mucked, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. mucked

    mucked Bit poster

    the last parallels 8 update, screwed with the mouse in autocad, and looks like they have brought it into 9 as well.

    its been totally unusable for me for months now.

    back to fusion.
  2. user2342353245

    user2342353245 Bit poster

    How is Fusion for games? Would you say it is better than parallels. (excluding the mouse problem)

    I can't use Parallels either to play my favorite/only game I ever play... Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour

    My mouse freaks out after about 30 seconds of game play.
  3. mucked

    mucked Bit poster

    not sure, dont play games in my VMs.
  4. GarciaLLC

    GarciaLLC Bit poster

    In AutoCAD there is a command called ZOOMFACTOR. On my Windows PC this is set to 60. In my Parallels VM I had to drop it all the way down to 20. This will fix the super fast mouse scrolling/zooming in AutoCAD.
  5. mucked

    mucked Bit poster

    better, but still too fast.

    another day , another update, and the problem still exists.
    absolutely ridiculous
  6. Paul Duquesnoy

    Paul Duquesnoy Bit poster

    I am having the same mouse speed issues using the Unreal Dev Kit. Left- and right-mouse-button dragging is uncontrollably fast. It appears that while running Parallels, the Windows > Control Panel > Mouse > Pointer Options "Motion" speed settings have no effect at all, but setting the Mac > System Preferences > Mouse "Tracking Speed" to the slowest setting works pretty well. I imagine that Windows has no say in mouse speed when you're on a Mac controlling a Windows environment (similar in a way to using a remote desktop app to control another computer's mouse and keyboard). At it's slowest setting, it's still not quite as slow as UDK on a PC with no emulation, but thought I'd pass that along incase it helps someone else.

    Still, I do find it odd how UDK is responding to the mouse. I have no mouse speed issues using any other apps via Parallels (including other similar 3D software like Unity and 3DSMax), so it's not that the Mac is always sending fast mouse signals to Windows, but just that certain programs must be using a certain technique that doesn't work well that way. Here's another piece of the puzzle: when I tried using Real VNC on my Mac to remote in to my PC laptop, the same strange acceleration happens in UDK! That was very unexpected. I walked over to the same PC laptop, and tried the same dragging motion with the attached mouse, and the speed was normal. Not only is the motion fast, it also seems to be moving in increments of about 30-50 pixels (that kind of incrementing is probably the cause of the speed). If I'm in the top (orthographic) view on a Mac either emulating Windows with UDK, or using Real VNC to remote to my PC laptop, if I move the smallest bit I can possibly move, it jumps like it's trying to snap to a 30-50 pixel grid. Once again, I walk up to the PC, and try on the mouse that's attached, and I get super fine precision. I hope my troubleshooting means something to somebody!
  7. Rugholmer7

    Rugholmer7 Bit poster

    On the menu bar at the top of the screen choose: Virtual Machine > Configure > Options > Advanced then from the "Smart Mouse" drop down, choose "On". The default is "Auto" and sometimes it "automatically" chooses not to work well in some games or AutoCAD.
  8. muchmore

    muchmore Bit poster

    My mouse issues happen when I flip from my Win 7 VM back to my mac... the mouse goes from normal to super fast - way too sensitive. I have a MS mouse and have the MS drivers (intellipoint) loaded. To fix it, I open the system preferences (sometimes that works) and then open the Intellipoint pane (this always works). I will try changing the smart mouse to "do not optimize for games" in the VM configuration to see if that helps and also uncheck all of the checkboxes in the mission control Preference Pane. I hope that this fixes the issue, but Parallels should not need to have its users "fix" things like this. It should just work.
  9. MikeWright

    MikeWright Bit poster

    That worked for me...Thanks!

    But the smart mouse options I found were under 'hardware' not 'advanced'.
  10. DumpsterJuice

    DumpsterJuice Bit poster

    Possible fix for Parallels mouse sensitivity issues

    After wrestling with Parallels mouse sensitivity issues for years, I think I've finally figured out what the main problem is.
    When it comes to games and other applications that are affected by changes in mouse sensitivity, Parallels seems to assume that nobody ever adjusts the tracking speed of their mouse under OS X. In other words, these types of applications only run properly in Parallels when the Mac OS X factory default values for mouse tracking speed are applied. Apple doesn't provide a "Reset to defaults" button in System preferences (nor should they need to), so anyone who's ever adjusted the mouse tracking speed on their Mac will have this issue.

    Here's how I finally solved my mouse issues under Parallels 8 on Mac OS X 10.9.2 (Mavericks), running a Windows XP VM.
    I have no idea if this will work the same way in Windows 7 or 8, but it does in XP:

    1. Restore Mac OS X tracking/sensitivity settings to factory default value(s). I found a great free preference pane to manage this called CursorSense, which has an actual "Restore System Defaults" button. While it's unfortunate that Parallels isn't smart enough to make all this unnecessary, it's relatively easy to restore your previous preference values after you're done using it.

    2. In Parallels Desktop, turn SmartMouse off. The option to Optimize modifier keys for games should be checked (on).

    3. In Windows XP, set mouse sensitivity one click above slowest setting. Be sure Enhance pointer precision is turned on.

    These exact settings, while a bit annoying, work great for me and I can now play games that were previously unusable after the update mentioned above. I can't say for sure that it will, but I hope this information helps you resolve your own mouse issues if you're having them.

    I decided to figure this out after getting fed up with Parallels bombarding me with ads to upgrade to the latest version. Their update broke a feature that worked properly before, and I seriously doubt that Parallels Desktop 9 has fixed the problem. I had steam coming out of my ears over this for several months, and am pretty glad to have figured out a solution.

    To the Parallels team: seriously, how hard would it be to resolve this once and for all? This has been an ongoing issue with Parallels Desktop for years, and it affects a significant portion of your customer base. Your inaction on this makes hundreds of Windows applications unusable with your product, yet you don't seem to care enough to do anything about it. It shouldn't be impossibly difficult to compensate for or ignore custom Mac OS X mouse acceleration values, if that's all there is to it. I certainly won't be upgrading to a new version of Parallels before I'm 100% certain you've fixed this.

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