Something seems to have happened to my Windows 7 Professional virtual machine. When I try to log in, it doesn't recognize my password. This is on an iMac running Mt. Lion and Parallels 8. I have Windows 7 professional installed as a single user. I don't use this virtual machine very often. I am pretty sure that I had it set up to login without a password. When I launch my Parallels VM it get a message "username or password is incorrect". I have tried all the passwords I use and none of them seem to work. Occasionally the computer seems to accept a password, and seems to want to start to login, and then I get the same message again. Is there any way to login to a Windows computer if you don't have the password, or do I need to delete the virtual machine and start all over again? Thanks for any help,
How do you start up from external disc with Parallels I think I know how to start up from an external disc on a PC computer, but how do you start Parallels from an external disc. It seems that all the methods of resetting your password requires starting up from an external disc. Thank you for you help. I sure don't know how in the world I ever forgot my password. I feel like an idiot.
If you select to boot from CD/DVD first, will it boot from a flash drive too? I didn't see an option for a flash drive in the Boot Order configuration menu. Thank you for all the help.
Boot USB from parallels VM (trick with ISO/floppy) (scroll down and search for the top answer)
Password Reset Done I was able to reset my password easily using a program called Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home (free) It was very easy to do. I made a recovery disk with another PC that I had in the house, and then set the start up order on my Parallels VM as you suggested, started my VM, and within 2 minutes my password was reset and I was back in business. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP!!!!!! I would have never figured it out on my own.