Let me start off by saying Parallels as a program is a great product. Parallels as a company is about as bad as I've come across.
Here's my story:
I purchased Parallels on June 1 from the Apple Store (first mistake, paid too much, oh well). I tried to load it and got a message that my activation key "seemed" to be invalid. I sent an email to
[email protected] and got a very prompt return email that asked me for a screen shot of how I typed in my activation key and the error message. In the mean time I downloaded a temp key to help me get up and running. It took me a day or so to figure out how to get to the activation page again but I did and sent the screenshot.
The install did not go well and it kept freezing at a certain point. So, I purchased the $29.99 one time phone service to try to get the insallation issue resolved. When I called I got a message that said they were experiencing trouble with their phone system and I might be on hold for a long time, please be patient. After about ten minutes a recording came on that said nobody was available to take my call and then I was disconnected. I tried the phone service for the next three days several times a day and got the same result. I then found this forum and thanks to some helpful threads got the software installed and runing smoothly.
I then tried to call the main number to cancel my phone support and ask for a refund of my $29.99 and see what was up with my activation key. After navigating through a bunch of menus I finally got to customer service. It went straight to voicemail. After the recording said "please leave a message" and the beeb sounded I got a recording that said "you may not leave a message.
I started getting messages at start up of Parallels that my key would expire in 5 days "please purchase a permanent key". So I emailed my screen shot again explaining that temp key was about to expire. At 3 days to go with my temp key I emailed them again.
Yesterday my temp key ran out. I sent another email with my screen shot and followed Diana's advice at the top of this forum to PM her with key trouble. Granted it's "only" been a day, but no response. I also sent an email to
[email protected] explaining my situation and asking for a refund of my phone support.
Now I have a worthless piece of software on my computer. I have files that I need that I can't access. I take responsibility for working with a temp key, but who would have thought that they couldn't get me a key that works within the 15 days that the temp key worked.
Now I get an eamil that says I'm eligable for a free upgrade to 3.0. A lot of good that'll do me without a key that works. As I understand it you have to put in your key along with the upgrade key.
I'm not being hysterical not really even venting (my wife got the brunt of that). I'm just stating the facts as they pertain to me. Somebody please advise me what to do as I'm out of ideas.
Love the program. Don't much care for the customer service.
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