VM runs normally but I can't find the PVM file

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by IhateWindows, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. IhateWindows

    IhateWindows Bit poster

    After trying to change the directory Parallels uses for storing virtual machines in order to save space on my SSD, I can't find the PVM file. The Parallels folder is empty. The new folder is empty. I've used Spotlight on my drives, as well as Easyfind. They find nothing with a .pvm extension or with the file name I gave the VM. I can probably create a new VM, but I don't like that somewhere on at least one of these drives, several gigabytes of capacity have been lost. I have only one virtual machine and the funny thing is that every time I start Parallels, it starts and runs that virtual machine just fine, even without a visible PVM file. Is there any other way I can I find the PVM file?
  2. Tony Carreon

    Tony Carreon Hunter

    right click / control click on the virtual machine in the virtual machines list and select "Show in Finder"

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