Mac Powerpoint dreadfully slow

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by JettLag, May 14, 2013.

  1. JettLag

    JettLag Bit poster

    Trying to run Powerpoint: Mac 2011 at the same time as a Parallels 8 Windows 7 VM and it slows to a crawl. Close Parallels and Powerpoint runs fine. This is on a mid-2010 MacBook Pro with 8gb of memory. Any suggestions for tweaks to get Powerpoint running better?
  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Lower the VM assigned RAM.
  3. JettLag

    JettLag Bit poster

    That was the first thing I tried... It shows recommended as between 512MB and 4GB. It was originally set at 1GB and I lowered it to 768MB and then to 512MB, with no noticeable difference.

    I have noticed one other key piece of the puzzle - it seems to only occur when running my macbook pro in dual screen mode. In single screen it seems to work ok.

    So, the logic:
    Parallels not running - Powerpoint runs fine in dual screen and single screen (mirrored).
    Parallels running - Powerpoint runs fine in single screen mode (mirrored) but slows to a crawl when in dual screen.

    Any further suggestions?
    Last edited: May 15, 2013
  4. Shaddam IV

    Shaddam IV Forum Maven

    Try assigning one single virtual processor to the VM, 1 GB of memory to the VM, and set the VM to "Mac is faster" in the VM's settings (options tab-> optimization).
  5. JettLag

    JettLag Bit poster

    That is exactly my setup. Still reacting the same.

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