Microsoft Mouse back and forward buttons not working in Windows 7

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by sabre86, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. sabre86

    sabre86 Bit poster

    I know this isn't critical but it is maddening nonetheless. Prior to upgrading to PD8, I could use the MS mouse buttons for Back and Forward in Internet Explorer and they worked. Now they don't. I have reloaded the MS drivers for OSX. (Actually I have loaded the Windows verson fo the drivers as well but it doesn't see the mouse which is what I'd expect). It is clear to me that the Intellipoint software under MAC sees the correct keys entered for this function for Parallels Desktop but they are not transferred to the Windows VM. In fact no matter how I set up Intellipoint in the Mac side, the same result occurs in IE -- it responds as if I typed in Command Left or Right.

    Any thoughts greatly appreciated
  2. aquariusrick2

    aquariusrick2 Bit poster

    Same exact problem as above. I was able to use the Forward and Back buttons on my Microsoft Mouse with PD 6 & 7. It's now broken in PD 8. I've tried every workaround I can think of to get them to function properly on the VM, with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.

    JMANTN Bit poster

    One finger swipe back and forward with Magic Mouse

    I too am wondering how to do the one finger swipe to go back and forward in windows 8 with Firefox.

    I've tried better touch tool and no dice. Please help.
  4. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi there,

    Please go to Virtual Machine option at the top Mac menubar --> Configure --> Options --> Advanced and enable Optimize Modifier Keys for Gamers. Does this help?

    JMANTN Bit poster

    This unfortunately did not fix my Magic Mouse one finger swipe gesture issue.

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