Windows 8 Update - Critical and Urgent Windows 8 Service Advisory

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Chris@Parallels, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. Chris@Parallels

    Chris@Parallels Hunter

    Update: 10-31-12

    Important Service Advisory
    Upgrading to Windows 8

    Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac Customers:

    We have completed our testing of the upgrade to Windows 8 process. Be sure that you are using the very latest build of Parallels Desktop 8 before upgrading your virtual machine. To be sure you are on the latest build, go to the Parallels Desktop menu and click Check for Updates.

    There are some changes to the Windows upgrade process depending on whether you are upgrading from Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7. We have created a guide that will help you understand what to do and what to expect. We strongly recommend reading this before you upgrade.

    As always, we recommend creating a backup of your virtual machine before you do the upgrade. That way if anything goes wrong or if you want to go back to your older version of Windows, you can delete the new virtual machine and go back to using your original virtual machine.

    Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac Customers:

    We are continuing our testing of Windows 8 in Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac and are hoping to have this completed shortly. We suggest that you subscribe to this thread so that you will be notified of any updates we have regarding Windows 8 upgrades.

    Original update from 10-25-12 - please see the above update
    Below is critically important information to help you successfully enjoy Windows 8 on your Mac. Please read this entire notice, as it may affect your computer’s performance.

    If you are planning on upgrading from an existing Windows OS to Windows 8, we strongly suggest waiting until Parallels has finalized testing the upgrade process. Upgrading now may damage your virtual machine, causing you to lose all your data, files and Windows applications. We’re working hard on completing our testing of the Windows 8 upgrade, and will inform you via in-product notification when you can successfully upgrade to Windows 8. In the meantime, please subscribe to this KB below to be notified of status updates.

    If you are planning on performing a full install of any of the Windows 8 versions into a new virtual machine, this should work just fine. KB114973 has the steps to smoothly and effectively add Windows 8 to your Mac. Be sure that you are using the very latest build of Parallels Desktop 8 to create this new virtual machine. To be sure you are on the latest build, go to the Parallels Desktop menu and click Check for Updates.

    Update: 10-25-12

    Parallels has released an update for Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac. Please make sure you are running the most updated version, 18305.811918. To ensure you have the latest update, click the Parallels Desktop Menu and select "Check for Updates..."
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  2. craigminah

    craigminah Bit poster

    When I saw this posting I was worried as I'm running Parallels 7 with Windows Vista Business and I was aching to upgrade to Windows 8 (Vista Business is very sluggish). I bought Windows 8 and installed it but was told Windows 8 is an upgrade so I went to my Vista VM, uninstalled Parallel Tools, and did the upgrade using the "don't migrate anything to Windows 8" option. Worked like a champ, of course I had to reinstall but that's what I wanted...I think the fear is for your applications and documents but the core OS will upgrade.
  3. yobyot

    yobyot Bit poster

    After the glowing review in the WSJ of Parallels 8, I assumed that Parallels would have done what you'd expect of a company whose business is based on supporting Windows in a virtual environment. That is, they'd have thoroughly tested both Windows 8 and Office 2013.

    I am a small-time Microsoft reseller and we've had access to the release-to-manufacturing versions of Windows 8 since August. And on 10/24 Microsoft made the RTM versions of Office 2013 available. Before that, even the lowest level partners had, along with the public, access to the preview versions. So it's reasonable to assume that Parallels had plenty of time to test its product. They released PD 8 with "support" for Windows 8. It's reasonable to assume that people would use the two together.

    But what was a marketing success for Parallels 8 (being featured in the WSJ with a favorable review) will turn to customer disaster when people actually start to use PD 8 with Windows 8 and Office 2013.

    The current version of PD 8 (Build 8.0.18305) is an unmitigated disaster with Office 2013 Professional Plus under Windows 8 (both RTM versions.) In a built-from-scratch VM, PD 8 runs Outlook as if it were on a machine from 2001. It crashes. It burns. It doesn't support multiple monitors correctly (really, at all). Trackpad gestures produce random results in the Win8 Start screen. Coherence mode is inchoate.

    It's a mess...a complete mess. And Parallels has violated the basic rule of a software company: stating supports for a new version of someone else's product that it doesn't actually support. Other buyers should heed my advice: as wonderful as Win8 and Office 2013 are -- as much as you want to run them on your Mac -- DON'T DO IT WITH PD 8.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2012
  4. quick_joey

    quick_joey Junior Member

    Got a message about availabilty of this update. Download it via PD8 itself. Trying to install it - fail (PD8 closes itself without a reason and error message). Reboots, restarts, another try - fail. Ok. Maybe something went wrong in automatic updates. Will try install PD8 from the scratch.
    Downloading full PD8 from my account. Trying to mount image - can't mount image file because it is corrupted.

    Any suggestions?
  5. quick_joey

    quick_joey Junior Member

    New day - new build (18314.813278).
    And now all worked like charm.
  6. bobpenn

    bobpenn Junior Member

    Upgrade went well. But Netflix and other video apps still don't work. Windows says the video driver isn't up to snuff.
  7. KurtSchmucker

    KurtSchmucker Bit poster

    Parallels Desktop 8 and Windows 8

    @yobyot: First of all, I am sorry to hear that you are having problems using Windows 8 and Office 2013 in Parallels Desktop 8.

    After reading your posting, I attempted to recreate the same environment on my MacBook Pro:
    Guest OS: Windows 8 Enterprise, fresh install, with all released patches
    Office Professional Plus 2013
    Default settings for the VM: 1 CPU, 1 GB of RAM.

    Just for completeness:
    my MacBook Pro is model 6,2 running at 2.53 GHz (about two years old) with 8GB of RAM
    Host OS: Snow Leopard (10.6.8, fully patched)
    Parallels Desktop 8.0.18314, (revision 813278, released October 31, 2012)

    I have used this VM to read and send emails from my Exchange account, have created and edited some PowerPoint presentations, some Word documents and some Excel spreadsheets. I have not experienced any crashes or any other of the issues you have experienced.

    To help us diagnose the issues you have experienced, please submit a Problem Report from within Parallels Desktop 8. To do so, go to the Parallels Desktop Help menu, and choose "Report a Problem…". Please post the Problem Report number you will receive when this report is submitted, and I will ask the Engineering team for their analysis of your problem report.

    Kurt Schmucker
    Senior Product Manager
  8. KristofVD

    KristofVD Bit poster

    Office 2013 Plus This app can't run on your PC" "To find a version for your PC

    I have a MSDN subscription and after downloading Windows 8 Pro and Office 2013 Plus, i got the following error.

    Fresh install and activation of Windows 8, then Fully updated.

    => Insert the office 2013 DVD : double click on Setup :

    "This app can't run on your PC" "To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher"

    Host OS: Snow Leopard (10.6.8, fully patched)
    Parallels Desktop 8.0.18314, (revision 813278, released October 31, 2012)

    Also see this post on the microsoft forums, they claim it's a PD8 issue,

    So if someone could help or has a work around to get Office 2013 installed. Thanks.
  9. davidhux

    davidhux Bit poster


    Windows 8 in Parallels 8

    I am trying to run the Windows version of the Arduino IDE (Arduino for Windows).

    This uses the USB port as serial port to download an application to an Arduino board.

    I have ensured that the USB port is assigned to Parallels - but the app is unable to see any serial port options.

    Yes I know there is a native OSX Arduino IDE - but I have my reasons for wanting to run arduino for windows in parallel.

    I also have a problem - my trial license expires in a few days - and I dont really want to buy something that has so far failed to meet expectations.

    I am sorry if this is the wrong place.
  10. jhinek

    jhinek Banned

    how to get windows 8
  11. davidhux

    davidhux Bit poster

    How to get Windows 8

    If I remember correctly Parallels had an offer of a download of W8 Preview, to which I purchased a W8 upgrade
  12. KristofVD

    KristofVD Bit poster

    Seems to be fixed now with the latest update.
  13. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team


    Hi, we're aware of the USB related issues in the latest build and it's being worked on. Please subscribe for this KB article to receive an update once it's fixed:
    As for another trial, I've just sent it to you in the PM
  14. Allan Carr

    Allan Carr Member

    Permanently stuck in full screen mode

    I installed Windows 8 in Parallels 8 and somehow, after a few days, am stuck in full screen mode. Previously, I had been operating in a smaller window within the Mac screen. How do I access screen modes like I used with Windows 7? How do I access ANY Parallels menus?
  15. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hey Allan, please navigate your mouse pointer to the upper left corner of your screen and you will see Parallels Desktop menus appearing at the top. Click on View --> Exit Full Screen.
  16. Andrew F

    Andrew F Bit poster

    I am having severe problems with a clean Windows 8 Install running in Parallels on a Retina MBP. If I sleep my Mac (close the lid) without shutting down the parallels VM, my Mac SMC gets screwed up and the frame rate in all my Mac games gets cut by about 75%. I have to reboot and do the SHIFT-CTRL-ALT Power to reset my SMC. The Windows 8 I'm using is on a Boot Camp partition.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2012
  17. Allan Carr

    Allan Carr Member

    Thank you. That worked. Next, the Bing apps start working almost immediately, but IE (and other apps) don't work for ages. I haven't counted the minutes, but it's along the lines of a watched pot never boils. Only if I leave the computer and come back to it sometime later, does IE or other programs start working.
    I assume some background programs have taken over. How do I access this background group as I've done before?
    Truthfully, I'm almost ready to go back to Windows 7. I had absolutely no issues upgrading to 7 compared to 8.
  18. TimA32

    TimA32 Bit poster


    This topic and the above knowledgebase entry were posted 3 months ago and still no update.
    Any news about the compatibility with Parallels Desktop 7 ?
    Is it possible to safely upgrade to Windows 8 a previous installation of Windows 7 on Bootcamp and use Parallels Desktop 7 ?
  19. QLPractice

    QLPractice Bit poster

    Can't download/install upgrade of windows 8 from the windows 8 release preview

    I'm running the latest updated PD8 on a 12 mth old MacBookPro and while downloading PD8 last month accepted the offer of the Windows 8 release preview which seemed to work OK. Recently I got the message to 'Get latest version of Windows' and proceeded to buy the upgrade. I did get a message about two areas of incompatibility (secure boot; screen resolution) but as the preview worked and my PD8 was current I purchased the upgrade and it began downloading. I didn't notice when it stopped as I was out of the room. Microsoft said it had been downloaded. Either the download stopped or won'r install - I can see exec, 1, 2 and 3 in downloads but none will download or install. Any solutions for someone not very computer literate?
  20. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team


    As the download seems to be corrupted, I'd recommend to use any free downloader to re-download Windows 8 image. One of the possible options is described here (in alternative method):
    Even though the article talks about downloading Parallels Desktop, this downloader will work for getting any files you want, including Windows 8 ISO image.

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