PD8 broke CTRL+SHIFT+arrow keys in Windows

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Tim JS, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Tim JS

    Tim JS Bit poster

    In text fields in windows, you can hold CTRL+SHIFT and press arrow keys (right or left) to select words at a time.
    Parallels Desktop 8 broke this. It worked in PD7.

    I have tried it with "Optimize modifier keys for games" checked and unchecked, and neither seems to work.

    The guest OS is Win 7 x86, host OS is Mountain Lion.
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  3. Tim JS

    Tim JS Bit poster

    Hi Jack,

    Thanks for the info. Good to know it's not broken for everyone. Sorry about your CTRL+SHIFT+Alpha problem in LabVIEW. Is it possible another Windows program is blocking them?

    Support has had me try the following (none helped):

    - Disable Aero mode (it was already disabled)
    - Update to the very latest build of Parallels Desktop (8.0.18101.797180)
    - Enable the option "Enable access for assistive devices" in Mac system preferences (it was already enabled)
    - Reset defaults for keyboard shortcuts in Parallels (Launch Parallels Desktop => Parallels Desktop option on the menu bar => Preferences => Shortcuts =>Select the virtual machine from the left pane => Restore Defaults )
    - Reset machine defaults: => Shutdown your Virtual Machine. Navigate to this location Parallels Desktop option on the menu bar => Preferences => Shortcuts =>Select the virtual machine from the left pane => Restore Defaults.
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  5. Tim JS

    Tim JS Bit poster

    We could try comparing our preferences files.

    From the terminal, I ran the command:
    defaults read 'com.parallels.Parallels Desktop' > parallels.txt
    This put my Parallels Desktop preferences into the file parallels.txt.

    I opened it in TextEdit and removed personal info (email, paths, support code, etc..). It's attached.
    Try comparing yours to mine with a diff tool, or something online like http://www.diffnow.com/

    -- Tim

    Attached Files:

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    Attached Files:

  7. AleAve

    AleAve Bit poster

    Desperate situtation

    Hi, the Control/Alt+Arrows key functionality in Windows 7 running as host on Mac OS is lost for me as well. I'm a new customer, having just purchased Parallels Desktop 8 and installed it on Mountain Lion. Parallels Desktop is useless for me if I can't write and edit text normally in the Windows virtual environment. Neither can I jump between words normally (which I suppose should work via ALT+Arrows as in Mac OS), nor can I highlight words using Shift in addition to those keys.

    I hope this can be resolved, otherwise I have wasted my money purchasing Parallels Desktop. :(
  8. AleAve

    AleAve Bit poster


    OK, I've got it. After trying all 5 solutions listed by Tim, which didn't help, I resolved the problem as follows:

    * go to Mac OS System Preferences => Keyboard => Keyboard Shortcuts => Mission Control => Disable (or change) the "Move left a space" and "Move right a space" shortcuts

    Hope this helps everyone affected.
  9. Tim JS

    Tim JS Bit poster

    AleAve, brilliant! That did it, thank you!

    -- Tim
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  11. MarceloM

    MarceloM Bit poster

    Actually it's a workaround not a solution

    Hey guys,

    In fact this didn't solve it, it's just a workaround. Til today I was using PD7 with Win8 and when not working on the virtual machine, I used a lot the "change spaces shortcut". And, when I was working on the virtual machine I also used the CTRL+Arrow to quickly go to a sentence begin/end. In my first use of PD8, those shortcuts started to work only changing spaces (Mac OS functionality). I've already tried the PD8 Preferences option to put "Send shortcuts to system" to "Never", but it still keep changing spaces when i try to use the CTRL+Arrow inside the Win8 VM.

    Hope Parallels releases a fix to this, as this is a very anoying issue and the above workaround shuts down an OS X functionality.

    Marcelo Myara
  12. GregLund

    GregLund Bit poster

    doesn't mean what you think it means

    I'm using:
    Mac OS X 10.8.2
    Windows 7 Home Premium virtual machine

    The wording doesn't seem quite correct for the Preferences->Shortcuts->System Shortcuts->Send system shortcuts.

    The default option, "On Condition" says, "Mac system shortcuts (cmd+Tab, Dashboard, Mission Control, etc.) will be sent to your Mac OS X virtual machine only when it is in focus. Otherwise they'll be sent to your Mac operating system." The Help information contradicts this by saying, "If you're working with Windows, system shortcuts that don't function in Windows (for example, Control-Up Arrow button to display Mission Control) trigger functions in OS X.." So, from experience, the Help seems to be more correct: Cmd+Tab still switches Mac tasks, Ctrl+-> still switches destops, etc.

    Next, the "Always" option says, "Mac system shortcuts (Cmd+Tab, Dashboard, Mission Control, etc.) will be sent to your virtual machine." The Help says, "When Windows or Windows applications are active, function keys and other system shortcuts always trigger functions in Windows." This seems to fix my issue where I really like using Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right to navigate through words in my Windows text editor. However, the function keys on the Mac keyboard still perform their duties as per their icons, and not as function keys. So "Always" is actually the only option within Parallels that partially solves my problem. I would still actually like to use Cmd+Tab to switch applications, but "Always" turns that off, while somehow leaving the Function keys alone.

    The "Never" option says, "Mac system shortcuts (Cmd+Tab, Dashboard, Mission Control, etc.) will be sent to your Mac operating system, not the virtual machine." The Help information corroborates this, "Function keys and other system shortcuts always trigger functions in OS X." As far as I can tell, this behaves exactly like the "On Condition" option.

    So how about using profiles? It thought I might be able to create a shortcut mapping. So, under the VIRTUAL MACHINES section in the left-hand pane, I selected my Windows 7 profile. I then added a shortcut that allegedly maps "^->" (From Mac OS X) to "Ctrl+Right" (To Windows). This apparently has no effect. I even tried it while not in Coherence in windowed and full-screen mode with no effect. The key combination still "Ctrl+Right" switches desktops unless "Always" is selected.

    If anyone has found any fixes for this, it would be much appreciated!
  13. Walter2

    Walter2 Bit poster

    Also unclick Mission Control that shows you "^up arrow" in order to use the function control up arrow key to move up.
    unclick Application windows that shows you " ^ down arrow" in order to use the function control down arrow key to move down.

    Hope this helps!

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