Parallels 8 error message: Unable to start Parallels Services

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by HiramA, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. HiramA

    HiramA Bit poster

    I just upgrade to Parallels 8 from the 6 two days ago. After installing the 8 it work perfect. Today, the second time I open Parallels 8 from the day of the upgrade, it does not want to start. It opens a small window with the following message:

    Unable to start Parallels Services
    Problem ID: 15381

    You click OK on the window and the application close.

    Can someone explain whats happening or how to fix it?

    Why are so many complaints from Parallels 8 in this Forums?

  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Parallels 6 seems not to be correctly uninstalled.
  3. leezhm

    leezhm Bit poster

    I got the same Error, may be it due to uninstalled the PD 7 un-completedly?
  4. MagicBoy

    MagicBoy Bit poster

    Same error, having upgraded my Mac mini from 10.6 to 10.8. PD8 worked fine on 10.6 prior to the upgrade.
  5. Minnow

    Minnow Bit poster

    Same Error Problem ID 15381

    I upgraded from P7 to P8 under Snow Leopard Server. launched P8 and everything worked (and faster). I then upgraded first to Mountain Lion then to OS X Server for ML. (all per instructions) now P8 won't launch Problem ID 15381
  6. MagicBoy

    MagicBoy Bit poster

    Re-installed PD8, seems to have fixed the problem on mine.

    LUCASF Bit poster

    Try re-installing Parallels 8

    I have had the same problem. I installed Parallels 8 on a MacBook Pro running System 10.6.8 a few months ago, worked fine. I upgraded the MacBook to System 10.8.2, Parallels gave me the problem ID message. I re-installed Parallels from a backup disk and now it is working fine. There seems to be something about the upgrade to 10.8.2 that "upsets" Parallels.
    For new buyers of Parallels, spend the extra $10 on a back up disk if you download the software from Parallels. If you don't want to spend the extra money, at least save the .dmg file somewhere safe so you can re-install if necessary.
    Hope this helps. Other than this recent glitch I have been using Parallels now for about three years and I am very pleased with the software. My PC friends cannot believe their eyes when I show them how simple it is!
  8. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    DON'T spend the money on the backup disk, Parallels provides links to download Parallels 8 and previous versions!!

    (if you look carefully there's a smaller link on that page below the big green trial button that says, download now for existing customers)
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  9. Eric P

    Eric P Bit poster

    Reinstalling fixed the problem for me too.
  10. MichaelE

    MichaelE Member

    I had the same problem and reinstalling worked for me.

    I recommend that Parallels put this on the FAQ or something... it took me a while to find the solution.
  11. mshomam

    mshomam Bit poster

    I upgraded from P7 to P8 under Snow Leopard Server. launched P8 and everything worked (and faster). I then upgraded first to Mountain Lion then to OS X Server for ML. (all per instructions) now P8 won't launch Problem ID 15381.
  12. MichaelE

    MichaelE Member

    Reinstall Parallels. I'm not using Server, but reinstalling worked for me when I had a similar upgrade problem.
  13. GrantKennedy

    GrantKennedy Bit poster

    I'm having the same problem and been a freelance graphic designer I really cannot loose any hours of work. I have tried everything. I can only recommend DON"T UPDATE. This a headache of note.

    Any pointers on the re-install would help as I have tried everything on this side.

    Would it be better to install version 7 again?

  14. budsimrin

    budsimrin Member

    I'm having the same problem. I installed an update to ver 8 and no matter what I tried (reinstalling, rebooting, etc.), Parallels Desktop would not launch. I had to use Time Machine to find the previous version of the application. I was surprised and pleased when that turned out to be sufficient to just replace the app -- no need to REINSTALL the older version. When it launched, it told me it was deleting the current version (the bad one) and then it proceeded to work again. Hopefully there will be another update soon.
  15. poleris

    poleris Bit poster

    I'm having the same problem. Error 15381 on the newest update of Parallels. Tried rebooting, reinstalling, and restoring from Boot Camp - nothing works. Anyone have any solutions?
  16. MetehanK

    MetehanK Bit poster

    I had this problem as well and tried everything suggested with no luck. Finally, I check the logs and see that Parallels was complaining about ~/Library/Parallels (user library) folder being unwritable. Just made it writeable and the problem solved!
  17. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    I suggest using "Repair Permissions" via Disk Utility before reinstalling to fix the inability to write to the Library folder, if people continue to have this problem even after reinstall.
  18. alextee

    alextee Bit poster

    Thank you so much! Changing the permission did it for me. Why doesn't this show up on the support site?!
  19. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Because normally you shouldn't have to change permissions of this folder and you shouldn't, that's why I said to use "Repair Permissions" instead of directly changing permissions.

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