Blurry Windows Icons in Mac Dock & App Switcher

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by AleAve, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. AleAve

    AleAve Bit poster

    Whenever switching between apps using Cmd+Tab, or viewing the Mac OS Dock, all Windows app icons appear ugly in being completely blurred and fuzzy. Windows 7 content itself is shown normally. I have searched through Google and see that this is a long-standing issue going back many years, also affecting VMware, etc. It's caused by Windows typically employing smaler app icons (32px) compared to Mac (128px).

    What is the best solution to rectify this cosmetic issue in Parallels Desktop 8 in 2012? (I tried a suggested workaround from 2008 with pasting nicer icons to the EXE files via Finder -> Get Info, but this appears to be blocked on my machine.)

    Thank you.
  2. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers


    Not all icons in Windows 7 are small sized. There are some applications with big icons. It is developer's choice to provide large icons in its applications if they want. But typically they are not doing it. The good news what Windows 8 applications have large icons.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2012

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