I just installed Windows 8 on PD8 and I get a low res colour for images when I go into the desktop (see attachment). Is anyone else having the same problem? g
Look at the upper right and left corner of the picture and around the petals. It's not like this on my PC.
The screenshot still looks ok to me in Firefox/Windows 7. Does it look the same in Parallels Desktop and on this shot in Safari? Can you describe more precisely whats wrong about it? Besides, subjective display comparison is not particularly scientific.
Well, I just mean that I don't see this issue on my PC. The color in the mentioned corners shows pixelated artefacts. It seems to be gradients are showing in low res. It shows like this in PD8 AND the screenshot in Safari. Strange is I don't see any problem when in the Start Menu. Only when I go into the Desktop. G.
What if you open this screenshot on your PC. Will you see that grain or banding? To make comparison more precise, I'd take the original wallpaper file and open it in on the PC, in Parallels Desktop (make sure PC and VM are set to the same resolution) and in OS X.
That's strange. The same screenshot in the PC is fine! Why then is so banded and grained on the screen of MacBook Air? G.
First of all, PCs and Macs normally have different gamma and that camomile image gradients were definitely tuned for the PC. Also, the displays probably have different brightness levels. Or your PC display may be just better than Airs.
Thanks for the infos. However I didn't have this problem with Windows 8 Release Preview, only with Windows 8 RTM. G.
I entered display settings in the Air and turned on Display calibration expert settings, and adjusting the gamma actually resolves the problem, but OS X looks horrible... G.
FWIW, your screen shot looks fine to me. I use that picture for my wallpaper, as well. Running Win 8 RTM on PD8 on rMBP.
Thanks for the info. It looks the problem is on the MBA (Mid 2012). I'm using the standard gamma. Maybe somebody else with a MBA can confirm.