Parallels Desktop 8 Installer crashes

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by SteveHowes, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. DuncanMcD

    DuncanMcD Bit poster

    Same problem ... fix for this yet?

    Hi. Am having same problem using Mountain Lion and Parallels 8. Is there a fix for this yet?
  2. DuncanMcD

    DuncanMcD Bit poster

    Okay ... my problem seemed to fix itself on third attempt to install. However, now I have a problem with sharing my files and folders. The installer indicated an error message with the path for the Desktop. Is there a thread dealing with this problem? I cannot access any shared folders.
  3. BudJ

    BudJ Junior Member

    Parallels 8 install crash on MacPro - solved!

    I was able to successfully install PD8 on my MacPro 2.1 (2007 8-core running Lion 10.7.4) by unplugging my Wacom Intuis 3 tablet. I used a bluetooth Magic Mouse during the installation process and then went back to my tablet mouse after the installation.

  4. Roman Fattakhov

    Roman Fattakhov Parallels Team

  5. Wheezer

    Wheezer Bit poster

    Downloaded the hot fix, installer still crashes at license screen.
  6. SystemFX 2

    SystemFX 2 Bit poster

    Just purchased crashes on user licence

    Will there a fix soon? Just purchased, running 12 core mac pro with 32gb ram OSX 10.6.8? Cant install. Crashes on user licence. Surly you should stop people being able to purchase if there is a known error like this?

    Please let me know asap, think I want a refund! as im concerned about installing this new version and loosing all function with version 7.

  7. Wheezer

    Wheezer Bit poster

    Support provided me with a refund. Once this thing is out of beta I'll try again.
  8. ArnoldM

    ArnoldM Bit poster

    Thanks much. unplugging usb devices (including wacom on thunderbolt monitor) worked.
  9. mariocha

    mariocha Bit poster


    Well, after several crashes, unplugging my Wacom tablet (Bamboo) quitting session and back, the installer finally worked !! Puzzling ...
    MacPro 10.8.2
  10. mariocha

    mariocha Bit poster

    Worked again

    This time, on my MacBook Pro, worked first time. (nothing plugged in the USB ports)
  11. Cheong-HuatT

    Cheong-HuatT Bit poster

    MBA freezes soon after installation starts

    hello folks,

    I'm another unlucky one to face the same problems. I bought the MBA just 3 weeks and it came with the Mountain Lion installed and updated (10.8.2). I bought the desktop 8 just last night! After downloading the deskop 8, I was totally disappointed when the MBA freezes 3 times when I tried installing that program. It will freeze soon after the installation starts. This totally unacceptable. Like many of you, I do not have any attachments, neither is there a firewal.

    Parallels should never release the product if it has not resolved all the knitty-gritty problems.

    Does anyone (including Parallels) have any solutions yet? Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

    c h
  12. jcfried

    jcfried Bit poster

    Disconnecting my Intuos 4 tablet fixed the problem

    Thanks for the tip. I disconnected my Intuos 4 tablet, ran the Parallels 8 installer and it ran to completion without any problem.

    ... jeff
  13. EdgarCabrea

    EdgarCabrea Bit poster

    I had the same issue .. I am running lion 10.8.2 with Parallels 8 ... after receiving a notification to upgrade parallels tools.. the installed crashed... I tried everything and spent 3 hrs with tech support. At the end , they escalated this issue to second level support.

    Well, yesterday I spent by myself moving every single combination and realized Parallels documentation might be incomplete when it refers to uninstall the VM antivirus.

    I' disabled my MAC (not VM side) antivirus KASPERSKY and had turned OFF internet connection as a prevention. After that, EVERYTHING worked as charm!!!

    I am sailing smooth again :) .. I hope it helps.

  14. byundt

    byundt Bit poster

    Must scroll to bottom of agreement

    I had success installing Parallels 8 on a brand new hard drive only after scrolling to the bottom of the agreement. Until then, the Accept button is not enabled.

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