I've upgraded from PD8 to PD7 and I had tons of problems. My VM is useless. So, how can I downgrade from PD8 to PD7. The problem is that there is no uninstaller in the PD8's DMG file.
Thanks for this post to prompt a response. I have never had an upgrade cause such a disaster. (...and I'm never the one to post stuff like this, but I have spent ALL day today trying to recover corrupted virtual disks, access errors, freezing VM's, and a number of other things.) I'm hoping to all that reverting to PD7 will at least allow me to get back my stuff. Considering VMWare at this point (even though I just spent $50 on the PD8 upgrade as I've loved Parallels up to now) as this was a nightmare...
Downgrade works fine - All problems solved Just wanted to report back that I have just "trashed" PD8 and reinstalled PD7 as described her (didn't have to use terminal!). My VM's now seem to be working fine again. Fortunately I was able to mount my corrupted virtual Hard Disk and recover most of my data (thought there was one folder of pictures that seemed to be permanently destroyed). The only glitch is that the Parallels "Mounter" doesn't seem to work (at least not initially) but maybe I had to run a VM first. At any rate, it would appear that PD8 is not ready for prime time. Think I'll stick with this version for awhile! I was hoping that I would be able to at least get by with PD8 and perhaps be able to help the team with some troubleshooting, but it's just not usable yet. I'll be back in a few months!
RWTech, sorry to hear that. Could we have a Problem Report from system to have a look, what has happened? Just start your VM as it is, send us a report as described in http://kb.parallels.com/en/9058 and give me an ID? Thanks in advance, Hanna
I did a "report a problem" before uninstalling PD8. I'm on PD7 now and with the exception of having no sound in my W8 VM, everything is back to normal! SUpport code was 79460-38765. Thanks!
I'm pretty good at figuring out things in Windows and have had my Mac now for a year and am getting used to it however before EVERY update from Mac or Parallels I do a complete CCC backup (Carbon Copy Cloner) of my entire disk just in case. In the past things have not worked as I liked so I'd try to fix them and if in the end I couldn't all I had to do was restore the entire hard drive and everything as back to normal again. I'm sure there are faster ways of doing things but I don't trust Time Machine yet (because I haven't taken the time to read more about it so I don't completely understand how it does things and what it can actually do). I do however trust CCC and I even though my free version worked fine I have the paid version since last month. You sound like you know a lot about systems so it boggles my mind and have to ask, you didn't do a backup before trying to update to PD8? Why would you have gambled and lost any files, let alone pictures when a backup is so simple?
Funny story - Here's the funny part - I *had* a backup! I was so into "fix it" mode, that I didn't even think that I had a backup of the .hdd file before I installed PD8. I launched Time Machine, and there it was! ...and I thought to myself, "of COURSE" I have a backup!
I lost many pictures of my daughter's first 5 years when a PC laptop I had got a virus and I lost all of it even though I thought I was doing correct backups. That's when I bought the Mac Air and also started backing up everything to various independent drives. It's not going to happen to me again. I'm happy you didn't lose anything after all.