Parallels 7 does not recognize additional memory

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by James Beaumont, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. James Beaumont

    James Beaumont Junior Member

    I just upgraded my iMac from 8gb to 16gb ram, but vm configuration in parallels is still showing 8gb. Any idea how to update it?
  2. strells

    strells Product Expert

    You have to change the memory allocation in the VM's configuration (General options).

  3. James Beaumont

    James Beaumont Junior Member

    My problem is that in the VM configuration, Parallel reports than I have a maximum of 8GB of RAM available on my machine, whereas in fact I have now upgraded to 16GB. It seems to be stuck on the level I had before I upgraded my Mac.
  4. AntonKl

    AntonKl Bit poster

    Have the same problem...
    What we need to do??
  5. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    PDM7 supports a maximum RAM of 8 GB per VM.
    Even if you have less than 8 GB on your mac, that slider will always show 8 GB as maximum.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2011
  6. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Did you read my post? 8GB is the maximum allowed per VM.
  7. llanowar

    llanowar Bit poster

    I have often wondered (and bemoaned) why Parallels chooses to limit each VM to 8GB for the desktop product. Is it purely financial (not wanting to approach on the turf of the $2000 Server product)? Can there really be much technical hinderance - I would suspect not, for a bump from 8GB max to 16GB max.

    I would welcome, and gladly pay more (not $2000 however) for a super-charged Parallels Desktop for Mac which allowed more RAM (and perhaps cores, if the the 8 max cores includes virtual cores).

    Please release the Parallels Desktop for Mac RAM Edition. perhaps a sliding scale pricing for cores and/or RAM maximums - to custom tailor the product for each customer's needs.
  8. costab

    costab Bit poster

    Ditto this. It is ridiculous not to show the maximum memory and allow the user pick more than 8GB. It reminds me of racketeering.
  9. AMS

    AMS Junior Member

    I can't even get Paralells 7 to let me select 8 GB per machine (8 GB for the Mac and 8 GB for Windows). The slider is stuck at 4 GB for windows, and it doesn't even recognize that I have 16 GB of RAM. How do I get it to let me assign 8 GB for Mac and 8 GB for Windows?
  10. llanowar

    llanowar Bit poster

    For the 4GB only - is your version of Windows 64-bit ?
  11. AMS

    AMS Junior Member

    Yes, it's 64-bit Windows.
  12. ÖngüçÃ

    Öngüçà Bit poster

    16 gb ram allocation

    I have the same problem. I am an architect and modeling needs more RAM. I have upgraded my early 2011 macbook pro with i7 2.2 GHZ from 8GB to 16 GB RAM. The machine recognize but Parallels won't recognize it. What should i do. Limitation is ridiculous. do i have to try VMware Fusion?
  13. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    VMWare Fusion has the same 8 GB limitation.
  14. CesarPedro

    CesarPedro Bit poster

    Its possible tu use more than 8GB in VMWare Fusion

    VMWare Fustion can use more than 8GB per virtual machine.

    You cannot assign more the 8GB of RAM to a Virtual Machine under VMware Fusion's GUI however you can manually edit the memsize = parameters value in the .vmx configuration file.

    Read more at:

    How could I do that in Parallels?.

  15. PlanetWilson

    PlanetWilson Junior Member

    If you try then Parallels comes up with a prompt to tell you that your licence doesn't allow that much RAM per VM :(

    It is very frustrating especially seeing as though they don't offer any upgrade or alternative product that could allow it.

    I now have 32GB in my iMac and intensively use VMs, the 8GB limitation is now forcing me to go to VMWare which in my experience is not as stable. But it is getting to the point where I don't have any choice.
  16. theanimaster

    theanimaster Bit poster

    Same here. 16GB RAM on Macbook Pro early 2011 with Mountain Lion.

    I think it's pretty obvious from the posts above that this is something being reserved for say, Parallels 8. I'm specifically referring to the post that describes an error saying "Your licence doesn't allow that much RAM per VM". AH, pure marketing. Kind of like Apple not allowing 64GB in iPhones when iPod Touches have it...
  17. JessieK

    JessieK Junior Member

    My issue is that I upgraded to Parallels 7 from 6 and it does not recognize the max memory anymore like it did in 6. The computer has 4gb, I want to give the VM 2gb, but it recommends 1.5gb as max because it doesn't see the 4gb.

    How do I fix this?

    Mac OS X 10.6.8
  18. Robert Camner

    Robert Camner Bit poster

    A Parallels 7 VM can also be allocated more than 4GB if both the host (Mac) and the VM are 64 bit. This is done in a similar way to the way Fusion can be "tricked" into accepting more than 4GB.

    Right click on the .pvm file and select "Show Package Contents." Look for the config.pvs file and edit it with TextEdit (I would be sure to make a backup copy first!). Search for the string "memory" and look for <Memory dyn_lists=""> section. Right below that line is a key pair for RAM. Edit that so that it reflects the amount of RAM you want. Save and off you go!

    [The purpose of making a backup of the config.pvs file is so that if somehow something goes wrong, you can restore the old version rather than having your VM go belly up]

    An important caveat: By doing this you are mucking around directly with stuff that isn't intended to be edited by the end user, and doing things wrong here can have bad consequences...YMMV.

    When I upped my Windows 7 VM from 4GB to 5GB, it got quite a lot speedier. However, I have 16GB on my Mac, so I have plenty of room to increase the RAM allocated to my VM without treading on RAM needed by my Mac.
  19. Westone

    Westone Bit poster

    The above reply from RobertCam worked for me, no messages about the license or anything, just 8GB devoted to the VM. I realize this is a dated thread, but I'm still on 7 with no particular need to upgrade.

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