Synchronising VMs across two macs

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Mike Boreham, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    I have two Macs, two Parallels 7 licenses and two Windows 7 licenses.

    At the moment each Windows 7 VM is a separate install from scratch, and all works well.

    What I would really like would for the Windows VM to be exactly the same in each machine, eg by using a prog such as Chronosync to copy the latest version of the VM to the other machine.

    I can think of lots of reasons why this might not be possible, but would like to hear any suggestions or experience.

  2. YanaYana


    it definitely has not been tested. What exactly this software does? created an image cope and deploys it in a mirror installation?
  3. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    Chronosync is a widely used backup and synchronisation mac programme which will synchronise files between computers. The Parallels VM is just a file, so if it was included in a Chronosync operation, Chronosync would look at the modification date of the VM on each computer and copy the newer one to the other computer.
  4. YanaYana


    If so - it should work. As you correctly mentioned - Vms are just files stored on the Mac drive. They can be easily synced just like it is being backed up with TimeMachine
  5. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    I guess my biggest concern is Microsoft activation (Win7 OS, Office and Flight Sim).

    I currently have two retail Win7 licenses, which I believe for two machines is what I should have. By syncing as I was asking, I will effectively be running the same VM on two different machines, but not at the same time. What will the Microsoft activation servers make of this.

    If they don't snag it, then effectively Parallels is enabling the same license to be used on two machines provide they are not run simultaneously.
  6. YanaYana


    But what is the scenario with a usual PC? it should be using different licences while syncing? if yes - Parallels works the same way. There is no actually difference.
  7. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    OK...I'll give it a go and report back!
  8. carlosrodzbotet

    carlosrodzbotet Hunter

    Very interesting post. Can't wait to hear how it goes. I have Lion on a Mac Air with Parallels and Mountain Lion on an iMac without Parallels yet (because I just bought it yesterday).

    I was wondering how I was going to keep everything organized. I currently use Carbon Copy Cloner to keep my Mac Air data on a portable hard drive backup.
  9. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    Doesn't work!

    I copied the Parallels folder (~/Documents/Parallels) from my 2011 MBP to the the same location on my 2010 MBP, overwriting it. The folder contained a Windows 7 and a XP VM.

    Although I did this with Finder not Chronosync, I think the effect would be the same....a simple folder replacement.

    Then launched the Parallels app on the 2010 MBP. The VM list window showed the two VMs but with red question marks. When I tried to launch the Windows 7 one, I got a message that "The Virtual machine is corrupted. The Virtual machine cannot be used because it's files are corrupted".

    Maybe if I had created a new VM, by navigating to the one I copied in, it would have worked, but I wouldn't want to do this every time I ran a sync between the machines. So I regard the experiment as a failure.

    I restored the original VMs from a backup of the 2010 MBP and they work fine.
  10. carlosrodzbotet

    carlosrodzbotet Hunter

    I guess I'll leave the VMs on both to be updated individually and just use Carbon Copy Cloner to update the Windows programs from one to the other until I find something that syncs them both.
  11. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    Not sure what you mean? CCC won't "update Windows programs". It will copy the whole VM as a file to your backup.
  12. carlosrodzbotet

    carlosrodzbotet Hunter

    Bad choice in words. I've been driving from Florida early this morning straight to Texas and just got home (18+ hours) so I'm little tired. I'll update the programs individually online but the data from them I'll copy with CCC and then transfer it to the other Mac so all programs are up to date data-wise.
  13. YanaYana


    Guys sorry to be primitive but what about Time Machine? at least it has been fully tested and integrated with Parallels Desktop - and it actually works.
  14. carlosrodzbotet

    carlosrodzbotet Hunter

    Now I'm really lost. So I do some work on the laptop during the day and when I get home I do some other work on the iMac. How is Time Machine going to sync my 2 Machines?
  15. YanaYana


    It's more for backup - not for syncing. But you can keep your VM on the flash drive and use it at home and at work.
  16. carlosrodzbotet

    carlosrodzbotet Hunter

    Please give more details because this sounds interesting and promising. What do I need to install on the flash drive?

    So I install PD7 on both machines and just install the VM on the flash drive?

    When I check Macintosh HD> Users> Shared> Windows 7.pvm it's 47.35GB big. If that's my VM then I'm going to need a really big flash drive!

    I'm definitely going to need more details.
  17. YanaYana


    Right - you need drive with enough space for your VM. And you don't need to install anything there - just move the pvm file to the drive (obviously not a flash but just a USB external hard drive) and double click it from new location in order to register in Parallels Desktop and start. Do it twice on both Macs and that's it,
  18. carlosrodzbotet

    carlosrodzbotet Hunter

    Ok so I won't have to reinstall Windows 7 or anything like that?

    Just install PD7 in my new iMac, copy "Windows 7.pvm" from my Mac Air to a portable USB hard drive, plug that into the iMac and double click on the "Windows 7.pvm" and it won't copy itself but will run on the iMac?
  19. YanaYana


    right - so you can use it on 2 Macs if you are not going to run the same VM or copy simultaneously.
  20. carlosrodzbotet

    carlosrodzbotet Hunter

    I'll try that today and see how it turns out and how fast it is compared with running it on the iMac hard drive. Thanks.

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