Hi, I just installed Mountain Lion, but Parallels Desktop 7 doesn´t work, and I can´t access to Windows. I may have lost some PD7 update... Someone can help me? Tks!
Download the latest version of PD7, uninstall PD and then reinstall it: Downloading latest version of Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac
hi there! follow the steps in this link to get it uninstalled - http://kb.parallels.com/112189 download the most recent version on this link - http://download.parallels.com//desktop/v7/update4/ParallelsDesktop-7.0.15104.778994.dmg cheers!
Thank you so much! I installed Mountain Lion yesterday. Before doing so, I checked the list of compatible applications and was happy to see that Parallels was good to go. I run my bookkeeping software on Windows. My version of Parallels was, according to the update application, the latest. So I was shocked when after the install my Parallels was relegated to an "incompatible software" folder. I didn't sleep well last night. This morning I found this thread right off the bat. With a solution and a cheers! I thought, "it can't be that simple." But it was! Within 15 minutes Parallels was up and running and my virtual machine and bookkeeping software didn't have to be reinstalled. I had to thank you for that! You made my day! GL
Hi, I´ve made these steps. However, when I launch the Windows, I think that appears a different user to log in on Windows. This user, has the same name as the user of my Parallels account. I put my Parallels password and it is wrong. After the update to Mountain Lion and this new version of Parallels, I don´t put any password to launch Windows... Someone can help me, again? Thanks
Great news ! Thanks, great news it's that simple. A step by step would help others. If anyone has a step by step please post it. If not as soon as I try it I'll document the whole thing and post. It'll be a few days though I'm on a business road trip and won't be home for another couple of days.