Parallels Service & 10.8 (Mountain Lion)

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Daleski75, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. North44c63

    North44c63 Bit poster

    Thanks for guiding me down the right path!! Your time and patience are appreciated...
  2. DistrictSpark

    DistrictSpark Bit poster

    I just want to say thanks to everyone in this thread!!!

    I now seem to have Parallels up and running on ML. The only thing that frustrates me about this is that a couple of community members have been able to patch, re-patch, and provide tech support to users in a matter of 2-3 days from the ML release, and we are still waiting for the developer to patch it officially over a week later... I'm not saying it's an easy fix, but they should at least release a hot fix that people can download separately to fix the problems, rather than wait for a 'stable release' that could still be a couple of months away...

    Maybe it's time for the obligatory test the current release of VM-Ware again...
  3. 87racer

    87racer Member

    Unfortunately the VMWare team is not any better. The fix and forum going for Fusion is very similar. 32-bit mode and running a launcher.

    I agree, that it is disappointing that we haven't heard a peep in this thread from the Parallels team.
  4. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Likely, but unfortunately, ML support will be one of the arguments Parallels will use to push the next version (8) in Q4, and ditto for VMWare.
    That and GPU acceleration for OS X VMs (or this will be pushed to version 9?).
    They have to have a decent feature list for each release to convince people to upgrade, and they are aggressively pursuing a one-year cycle. That's their strategy.

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of Mac App developers (among other groups) that would benefit greatly from ML support before it hits retail.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2012
  5. Don Sullivan

    Don Sullivan Member

    I hate to come off harsh here, and you are certainly within your rights to consider the alternatives but I think some here are being a little unreasonable. Mountain Lion has only been released as a Developer Preview by Apple for a matter of days and you're complaining that an extremely complex piece of software like Parallels doesn't work.

    I suspect they got their hands on Mountain Lion around the same time you did. It's not exactly reasonable for them to invest money in creating some sort of custom build for an unreleased operating system that will likely change in many ways leading up to the final release later this year.

    I can't install ML on any of my machines either because I need Parallels for 8-10 hours each day. However, I think it's completely reasonable for the Parallels team to not release an update until Apple has finalized this new OS. I got around it by upgrading one of my Lion VM's to Mountain Lion so if I want to become familiar or test something, I can at least try it without issue. Keep in mind, this is a Developer Preview not a released OS.

    Just my opinion.
  6. RAnthony

    RAnthony Bit poster

    Newest version allows ability to create/use but can't get "shared" networking to work at all.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  7. 87racer

    87racer Member

    Have you checked out my blog post for updates? You must use bridged networking, not shared. Try the bridged default adapter and it should work. Post back if not.
  8. RAnthony

    RAnthony Bit poster

    Your blog is about doing it as 32-bit.... this is in reference to using the newest update which will run in 64-bit.
  9. 87racer

    87racer Member

    ooh hadn't opened parallels yet today and didn't see the update. downloading and installing now and will post back.

    UPDATE: My shared networking is working perfectly even before updating Parallels Tools which I also did and still have no issues. Try completely uninstalling Parallels Tools then reboot and reinstall it.
  10. Michael Pitt

    Michael Pitt Member

    I've upgraded to the latest version and shared networking is working fine. I had to manually install the update to Parallel Tools though by mounting the iso image in /Library/Parallels/Tools - for some reason my VM kept displaying a message that it couldn't auto update them.
  11. GeoffreyZ

    GeoffreyZ Member

    I just performed a clean installation of Parallels Desktop 7 Build 15055 on Mountain Lion but can't get the network adapter to work in the Windows 7 x64 Boot Camp virtual machine. I've tried both shared and bridge mode, but a pop-up message claims that the networking module failed to open. Anyone else experiencing this issue?
  12. peetpeet

    peetpeet Bit poster

    yup...same here. no network connection, but happy and grateful I can boot up windows.
  13. juzci

    juzci Guest

    Hi GeoffreyZ, peetpeet,
    could you please send us problem-reports from your VMs with non-working network? KB about reports sending is here:

    Thanks in advance,
  14. peetpeet

    peetpeet Bit poster

    done. Thanks.
  15. GeoffreyZ

    GeoffreyZ Member

    Problem Report sent. Good luck!
  16. PascalRod

    PascalRod Bit poster

    I've had the same problem and followed the instructions here to remove the Parallels Tools and then to clean reinstall them:
  17. RAnthony

    RAnthony Bit poster

    My networking "was" working in non-shared mode in the newest Parallels....
    Then I uninstalled and reinstalled Parallels :(
    Now it doesn't work at all!
  18. peetpeet

    peetpeet Bit poster

    despite networking not working (Problem Report sent), I was(and am) still pretty impressed that any support at all for VMs in Parallels on Mountain Lion (Developer Preview) is there (at least I can run Windows 7 and 8 albeit without networking yet) after such a recent date on Mountain Lion. Good job Parallels.
  19. RAnthony

    RAnthony Bit poster

    Reinstalling Parallels on top of itself seems to have fixed my networking issues.
  20. Mountain Lion

    Mountain Lion Bit poster

    Highs and Lows

    Highs - the new update earlier than I had hoped for

    Lows - Network issue that I didn't have using Racer's 32bit workaround.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled tools to no use, has anyone had any luck that doesn't necessary involve a reinstall as Im very nervous of losing my windows environment.


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