beta 6 networking problem

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by johnnykrisma, Apr 29, 2006.

  1. johnnykrisma

    johnnykrisma Junior Member

    Hey guys, just loaded in beta 6 and now I got no networking. I restarted VM a couple times, reinstalled my network adapter. Tried default as well as my wireless (which is the active one). Now just restarted the VM and now PW is locked up.

    machine is MBP 2GHz/2GB ram, VM running W2K assigned 512 MB RAM.

  2. mcg

    mcg Hunter

    Yeah, something is up. When I go to the System Preferences > Network > Network Status, I see two adaptors when I think I should see just one: "Ethernet Adaptor (en2)" and "Parallels Host-Guest Adapter."

    Ethernet Adaptor en2 says, "The cable for Ethernet Adaptor (en2) is connected, but your computer does not have an IP address and cannot connect to the Internet." The other one says something similar. Renewing the DHCP lease has no effect.

    Furthermore, in System Preferences > Sharing > Internet, I can see "Ethernet Adaptor (en2)" in the list titled "To computers using:", but not Parallels Host-Guest adaptor. In the drop-down list "Share your connection from:", I see both.
  3. jwhitney

    jwhitney Bit poster

    same thing here

    MacBook Pro, no problems with networking until beta 6.
  4. Scott Willsey

    Scott Willsey Hunter

    I'm hosed. I can't get networking to work any more. Same thing - can't get an IP. Still using bridged ethernet set to en1 - just like it was in all previous betas. No workee.
  5. mcg

    mcg Hunter

    Looks we have a dreaded case of beta rot! :( Well, this happens sometimes. Hopefully they'll get a Beta 6.1 turned around in short order. Heaven knows I've done this kind of thing to my beta testers in the past.
  6. Don Sullivan

    Don Sullivan Member

    Add me to the list on this one. I've had to reset the VM half a dozen times in the last few minutes. One thing I noted was if I turned off DHCP and entered a static IP address I was able to get it to work. I've swapped back and forth a few times and the pattern is pretty consistent. With DHCP active, the machine does not acquire an IP address.

    i know my DHCP server is working since a Renewal request under OSX works just fine.

    In my case I'm running on a MacBook Pro 2Ghz, WinXP, 768MB RAM allocated. I'm using wireless to communicate.
  7. Nathen

    Nathen Bit poster

    the problem only seems to affecting the virtual maching picking up an IP address via DHCP, if I set a static address I'm able to ping the rest of the network/internet without issue.
  8. niccas

    niccas Junior Member

    Ditto, no network here :-(
  9. peterwor

    peterwor Hunter

    I also have absolutely NO networking capability anymore after loading Beta6. I changed nothing and was using en1:Airport Adapter on my MBP.

    its HOSED!!!! Come on Parallels, the last 2 betas have been going downhill, I undertand that you've been adding lots of new features but also breaking old ones, not good QC process.

  10. johnsail

    johnsail Bit poster

    Same here...

    Installed Beta 5 and everthing was awesome...
    Upgraded to Beta 6 and .... no wireless networking. I tried reverting to the previous networking adapter in the parallels tools, restarted a couple of times, tried Windoze networking Wizards... (how can anyone really enjoy using Windoze?) and still nothing.

    hoping for Beta 7 soon.
  11. Kypt

    Kypt Bit poster

    Can vouch for this as well, can't get networking to work :(
  12. johnnykrisma

    johnnykrisma Junior Member

    C'mon now Peterwor, it's *beta* software. Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. I think you are being a little too hard of them. How many other companies are releasing betas to software on a saturday night?
  13. dbourne

    dbourne Member

    MBP 1.8 Wireless ethernet

    It didn't work at first.

    Looked in My Network Places and found local network.

    Then opened Parallels Tool Center, disabled, re enabled Network Driver, applied and now my browser sees the outside world.
  14. jsolderitsch

    jsolderitsch Member

    I also find networking problematic now (beta 6). The first time I tried beta 6 I had not yet updated the new Parallels Tools and I had NO PROBLEM with networking using bridged networking to my wireless connection. Actually, my bridged setting was to the DEFAULT ADAPTOR rather than en1.

    But, I then updated to the Parallels Tools for beta 6 and I lost bridged networking. I tried going back to the default network driver and it did not help.

    So I plugged in my ethernet cable and bridged to en0. That worked! Then I switched back to bridging to the Default Adaptor and networking still worked with the network cable plugged in.

    I have not yet re-tried en1 or unplugged the ethernet cable to see if wireless might come back.

    Clearly a beta regression for bridged networking.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2006
  15. mcg

    mcg Hunter

    Yeah, I'm gonna cut them some slack. Any team that's releasing a new beta on a Saturday evening is obviously busting their butt. It happens. And I'd hardly say it has been going backwards for two betas now; beta 5 was a great improvement for me.
  16. mdrevs

    mdrevs Bit poster

    I'm running an iMac 20" on Beta 6 and both wired and wireless work fine in XP. I also have the Parallels Guest-Host adapter. Only problem I have is with the lack of USB 2.0 and some of my USB devices don't work and cause BSOD, but I expect the will be fixed over the next few releases.
  17. dbourne

    dbourne Member

    OK, I didn't update the Parallel Tools before. Now, after 'upgrading' them ethernet over wireless is gone.

    BUT, the shared folder is on the desktop!!

    One step forward - one step back ;-)
  18. jsolderitsch

    jsolderitsch Member

    Bridged en1 networking works again

    I got bridged networking to wireless back to a working state.

    What I did was go to the Mac's Network item in Systems Preferences and disable the Parallels Host-Guest Adaptor network item that was now appearing there. It had been listed as being enabled. I clicked the Configure Ipv4 button and selected off.

    After that I got a DHCP address when bridged to wireless in my XP VM.

    So something is funky with that new adaptor whose purpose I guess is to support Host Only networking.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2006
  19. David Witkowski

    David Witkowski Junior Member

    I too have the lost networking after upgrading to Parallels Tools. I found that as suggested if I set a static IP address is works, however with the wireless activeated, I cannot get an IP address through DHCP. It worked before the Tools upgrade.
  20. burgeke

    burgeke Member

    Same here...

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