Parallel Tools in Mageia

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by sekelsenmat, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. sekelsenmat

    sekelsenmat Member


    Has anyone had success installing Parallel Tools in Mageia 1? I have Parallels 5, and it fails with:

    An error occurred when installing Parallel Tools. Please go to /var/log/parallels-tools-install.log for more information

    And then in this file a lot of stuff, for example:

    make[2]: Entering directory /usr/src/linux-

    /usr/lib/parallels-tools/kmods/prl_tg/Toolgate/Guest/Linux/prl_tg/prltg.c:968:2: error: unknown field 'ioctl' specified in initializer

    error: could not build kernel modules


    Any ideas how to fix it? Or does anyone know if Parallels 7 allows to install parallel tools in Mageia? I didn't see it in the list of supported distributions, which makes me think about waiting for Parallels 8.

  2. JEarles

    JEarles Hunter

    The error you are seeing is symptomatic of the version of Parallels Tools you are using being incompatible with the version of Linux you are trying to install. If you did some quick Googling, and felt comfortable doing a manual patch, you could probably manually change the Parallels code to fix the incompatibility. That being said, you are running a version of Parallels that is two versions out-of-date. Parallels 7 has support for the latest distributions, including those that are using Linux 3.0.x.

    I have just installed Mageia 1 as a VM on my system, using Parallels 7.0.15050. It has Mandriva listed as a choice, so I chose that (you could also use Other Linux 2.6). Mageia doesn't have sudo installed by default so I had to 'su -' to switch to root before installing with './install'. Parallels Tools installed but (upon restart) reported that some of the kernel modules were missing. I'm not sure what it's missing, as everything appears okay.

    So while it doesn't appear to be perfect, it does seem to be functional. I guess only you can say whether this is good enough for you to upgrade, or if you want to wait for official support.
  3. sekelsenmat

    sekelsenmat Member

    Thank you very much, I am really grateful that you went so far as to actually download Mageia to test this =)

    So today I decided to take my changes, I bought the upgrade to Parallels 7, it upgraded automatically my Virtual Machines and then I installed Parallels in my Mageia Linux 1 via the normal process of running the file. And it really worked correctly! =) So it was surely worth it the upgrade. Now it has mouse integration and also screen resizing. I haven't tested it extensively, but even if only for those two features it was already worth it =)

    Upon reboot I also got the message about some kernel modules missing, but I also have no idea what they are supposed to mean exactly.
  4. sekelsenmat

    sekelsenmat Member

    Ok, my happiness didn't last long =) Clipboard integration from Mac to VM works, which is great, but there is a severe issue which wasn't present in version 5. Every time I press anything on the keyboard which has Shift, Ctrl or Alt they key press has a very high probability of failling. For example, if I want to type "MessageBox" then I will have to type the big M and the big B a couple of times until they appear. The save for Ctrl+C,V,X =( So I'm not sure if the Parallels Tools really brought more solutions of more problems...

    Anyone experienced that in Linux and has any ideas? I'll see about bug reporting later on...
  5. JEarles

    JEarles Hunter

    In another thread ( this was recommended:

    "Try going to VM Configuration->Options->Advanced and enabling the "Optimize modifier keys for games" option."

    The help for this option states: "If you enable this option, signals from these keys will be processed faster." so it might solve your problem.
  6. sekelsenmat

    sekelsenmat Member

    Thanks a lot, now it works really well =) This option indeed fixed the problem and copy+paste remain working.

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