Couple of minor integration issues

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by RavemaniaR, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. RavemaniaR

    RavemaniaR Junior Member

    I'm using Parallels 7 with OSX Lion & Win 7 Pro, and am facing a couple of minor integration issues. These don't reduce performance, but irritate me to no end. Would appreciate if anyone has solutions to these:

    1. In Windows explorer, I see two folders each for Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music etc. One is empty, the other contains files from OSX. Can I simply delete the empty folders without worry or is there a bigger issue to this?

    2. Each time I open a library in Windows, I get a "unsupported location" message. Is there a resolution to this or should I simply click on "do not show this message again"?

    3. My Windows automatically picks up and installs Mac printers. I don't want to do that - the windows drivers for most of my printers are better than the Mac drivers (or perhaps I'm used to the windows printer driver options). Even if I delete the Mac printers in Win 7, the next time I start Parallels, it again installs the Mac printers. Any way I can configure Parallels to not share the printers (but to share other folders, etc)?

    Many thanks !
  2. ManojD

    ManojD Banned

    1 I will suggest you not to delete those folders,if it is not making you so much problem then why you are deleting those,let it be there [​IMG]
  3. RavemaniaR

    RavemaniaR Junior Member

    Because the duplicates shouldn't be there. I'm thinking my install was incorrect or something.
  4. megavolt17

    megavolt17 Pro

    If the folders are from the Mac side check what shows up under Macintosh HD. It's possible Mac OS X had duplicates. Unfortunately under Lion if the folders are marked as invisible you can't overrule that easily.

    Windows showed me 2 developer folders on the Mac side using Parallels. On the Mac I only saw one. Both contained files and they were not 100% the same. I used PathFinder to see more than Mac OS X showed me and sure enough I did have 2 folders named Developer. Not sure why, perhaps an update that did not clean up afterwards.

    It would be odd for Windows in Parallels to show duplicates of your Mac folders, one set empty and another not. Rather than deleting anything why not put a file in the empty folder with a unique name and then use Spotlight (or something more powerful like Easy Finder) to search for it on the Mac side. At least that way you will know what you are deleting and where it really is on the Mac.

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