Missing highlight under app icon

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Stuart Miller, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. Stuart Miller

    Stuart Miller Member

    I'm using Parallels Build 6.0.12106 (Revision 692267; September 7, 2011) and a WinXP/SP3 VM.

    I use Quicken (Windows) in the VM and recently the little blue highlight under the Quicken icon in the Mac taskbar fails to light up when I load the app. Actually, that's not quite true. The light comes on when I click the app to load it but goes out as soon as the Quicken password window pops up. It stays out the entire time I'm in the app.

    This happens in both Coherence and Window viewing mode.

  2. Roman Fattakhov

    Roman Fattakhov Parallels Team

  3. Stuart Miller

    Stuart Miller Member

    Thanks for the tip... tried it... no luck. Still have a missing blue highlight under the icon
  4. YanaYana


    Did you pin the icon into the Dock or save it to to the launchpad? if so, try to remove it and readd the icon.
  5. Stuart Miller

    Stuart Miller Member

    I'm not sure what the launchpad is.

    I had opened Quicken in the WinXP VM from the Windows Start menu. When the icon appeared on the right side of the dock (is that the launchpad?), I right-clicked>Options>Keep in Dock on it. I then moved the icon to the left half of the Dock. It worked fine for months but then the blue highlight dropped after opening it one day. It hasn't worked properly since.

    I have reset the dock preferences. I have trashed the icon from the dock and reloaded it as before. All the other WinXP app icons work fine - including those pinned into the Dock. Very rarely, it will work ok - but that's about one in ten times.
  6. YanaYana


    Launchpad is Lion OS X feature. An icon looks like a spaceship.

    If you did try to readd the icon to the Dock, i suggest you to open support request at www.parallels.com/support/

    Technical support would investigate the issue in place.

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