Parallels 6/Windows XP in "resetting" status

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by icarus1701, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. icarus1701

    icarus1701 Bit poster

    I'm running Windows XP on P6 that has been crashing regularly when OSX wakes up from sleep. This time when I tried to reset the VM, Parallels tells me it's unable to complete the operation "because the virtual machine "Windows XP" is in the "resetting" status". At this point, the machine won't even start no matter what I do.

    I'd found a thread recommending deleting the .sys and .mem files out of the VM (once it's unhidden), but I can't even find the .pvm file at this point and neither can Spotlight. I think when I upgraded from P5 to 6 the VM may have been moved or hidden.

    I can see a .parallels folder in Terminal, but have lost my unix skills and can't get in the folder. What's really frustrating is the file->open shows the vm, but not the path nor will it allow me to open the package and see the hidden files from that menu.

    Any advice would be appreciated before I just start over.
  2. TamaraK

    TamaraK Member

    Hello icarus1701,

    1. Please run the following command in Terminal:

    /Library/Parallels/Parallels\ stop

    2. Wait for about 20 seconds

    3. Run the following command:

    /Library/Parallels/Parallels\ start

    Let me know if it worked.
  3. icarus1701

    icarus1701 Bit poster

    That fixed it!

    The only twist was having to su to root - it wouldn't stop some services. After switching and running the stop command and then the start it wouldn't start some services (msg was 'some classes have instances'). I rebooted OSX, then started Parallels desktop and the VM restarted normally. So maybe I didn't have to go to root to stop... Maybe a stop command and then a reboot??? At any rate, the VM started and is working normally.

    Thank you! I'll keep the email from the forum for future reference.

  4. TamaraK

    TamaraK Member

    Mike, you are welcome. Glad to know the solution worked for you.

    Probably it required a bit more time to stop all services.

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