To all: VM Win7 with Parallels Symptom: After updating to Build 7.0.14922 the Coherence display option was grayed out. Fix: If you encounter this problem, first shut down you Win7 VM (not suspend) Access Configure Virtual Machine Select Hardware and change Video Memeory settings to greater than 256 MB 512 MB worked for me. Startup VM Win7 and Enter Coherence mode will now be available Tony
I have the same problem, but cannot resolve I was so hoping it would be this simple. My video was set to 1Gbyte, so I moved it down to 512Mbytes to match what worked for Tony. Unfortunately, Coherence is still grayed out. If I switch from Windows 7 to XP, I do get the option of viewing in Coherence mode, so it is specific to my Windows 7 virtual. Any other suggestions on how to resolve this???
The most probably Parallels Tools were not correctly installed. Go to Virtual Machine menu and choose 'Reinstall Parallels Tools'. You may also try to uninstall tools manually from Control panel - it can be the better way but a little bit more time consuming.