Windows desktop sort order gets messed up

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by bidione, Mar 11, 2007.

  1. bidione

    bidione Member

    I have ordered all folders & files on my Windows desktop in a specific order, so it helps me keep a good overview in my daily work. Every now an then, however, after shutting down Windows and shutting down Parallels, when restarting Parallels/Windows, I find all folder- and file-icons are pushed to the left of my Windows desktop and my sort-order is all gone.

    Do I do anything wrong or is this a problem of Parallels? How can I resolve this?

    Ah, yes, one more issue I would like to solve but were unable so far:

    Coherence mode is super, but since my Windows desktop is not visible, I don't see all the folders & files I have so neatly placed on my Windows desktop. Would it be possible to move all my folder- and file icons from my Windows desktop to the Mac desktop, so I can see them in Coherence mode just the way I would see them on the Windows desktop?
  2. abanks

    abanks Hunter

    Do you have Auto Arrange or Sort By .... enabled on your windows desktop as it maybe doing this each time you log into windows.

    As for the second part (seeing your files on the mac desktop) you need to put this in the new feature requests forum :)
  3. bidione

    bidione Member

    No, I do not have "Auto Arrange" enabled - only "Align to grid".
  4. abanks

    abanks Hunter

    If i use coherence mode this is the only time my folders and icons all move to the left.

    If i stay in Full Screen or OS Window mode and reboot then everything stays the same.

    Seems to be a coherence bug :)
  5. wesley

    wesley Pro

    I'd say a Windows doohickie is at play... Going into Coherence necessitates resolution reset. This triggers Windows to rearrange the icons as it fits over the final resolution.
  6. bidione

    bidione Member

    Would there be the necessity for a resolution reset, if the Windows resolution is exactly the same as the Mac Resolution? This way we could at least avoid the problem of rearranging desktop icons.
  7. Platinum Samples

    Platinum Samples Member


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