Unable to Auto Update parallels desktop for mac

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by kekkars, Mar 10, 2007.

  1. kekkars

    kekkars Bit poster

    I have Parallels Desktop for Mac Build 3188
    When I click on Help -> Check for Updates -> "Check Now" button
    parallels is unable to connect to server and check for updates.
    My internet connect is fine as I am able to connect to internet from Firefox / Safari

    Is there any setting in parallels that I need to do to get the parallesl 'Update' feature working?
    Any pointers please.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2007
  2. abanks

    abanks Hunter

    Are you using a standard internet connection or do you use a proxy server?
  3. kekkars

    kekkars Bit poster

    I am using a standard internet connection.
  4. abanks

    abanks Hunter

    Do you have Little Snitch or a simular app installed as this maybe preventing it talking to the Update Service?
  5. prock

    prock Member

    auto update not working

    I have the same problem. Its pretty clear that autoupdate is broken-maybe at the server side.

    I've email tech support with no response.

    you can download the latest build manually.
  6. kekkars

    kekkars Bit poster

    If i download and install the latest build manually, will it just update the parallels software or do I need to take a backup of my VM files and import them again after the install?
    Please advise.
  7. kosh

    kosh Member

    Downloading the .dmg file and running the installer from that will not necessitate your needing to re-import your vm config files or virtual hard disks. That is how I've been applying all the updates, betas and RCs for the last near-year now without a hitch.

    However, that said, making a backup copy of your files until you're satisfied that nothing squirrelly happened with the new version is always a safe bet.
  8. kosh

    kosh Member

    Something is going on, but I think it's not obvious what. If I initiate an update check manually, only about 1 in 5 (or 1 in 10) actually seem to be able to connect to the server and complete the update check (regardless of my firewall settings). The fact that that the one odd attempt occasionally does connect fine at least says that it isn't something with my own Mac. Personally I haven't tried any other troubleshooting myself (manually trying to ftp to the update server, etc.) as I usually just manually download the new disk image, so I can't say more than that.
  9. donnie

    donnie Member

    I have the exact same problem. Auto-update never works. I always have to download updates manually.
  10. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    I've run it here using 3188 as this thread has grown over the day and it's worked each time. I can't explain it, but I've not been having problems. I did notice this last check that the server that is responding with the updater.ini file has change. It was ftp1.parallelz.com but this last test connected to http://b2.6d.354a.static.theplanet.com/updater.ini

    That file has this in it and it seems to be quite obsolete:


    InfoShort=Parallels Desktop for Mac Official Update (build 1970)
    InfoLong=The Official Update for Parallels Desktop for Mac. Do not forget to reinstall Parallels Tools in your guest Windows OS after upgrading.
    Size=30.0 MB

    InfoShort=Parallels Workstation 2.2 Official Update (build 2112)
    InfoLong=The Official Update for Parallels Workstation 2.2 for Windows and Linux. Do not forget to reinstall Parallels Tools in your guest Windows OS after upgrading.

    InfoShort=Parallels Workstation 2.2 Official Update (build 2112)
    InfoLong=The Official Update for Parallels Workstation 2.2 for Windows and Linux. Do not forget to reinstall Parallels Tools in your guest Windows OS after upgrading.
  11. abanks

    abanks Hunter

    They may only accept so many hits at a time so if you try and manually check during a peak time say average working hours then its touch and go but if you try at say 11pm then it never seems to fail. Thats whats happening for me anyways !!
  12. Al_Q

    Al_Q Member

    My experience too. Just after a new release comes out, auto update is hopeless and manual download drops to about 10 KB/sec and is sure to hang before it completes. Just wait a day or two, or else download in the middle of the night.

    I recommend uninstalling Parallels Tools while running your previous Parallels version, then update from the .dmg file, run the new version, and install the new tools from the Parallels menus. Updating over the previous tools should work, but I've had it fail a couple of times leaving the Windows installation in bad shape.
  13. Sonderpa

    Sonderpa Member

    You can try this:
    (English is not my native language. I’m translating this from Dutch to English)

    1. In Windows (XP) click on Start and choose Run…
    2. Type services.msc and click OK.
    3. Double click Automatic Updates in the services list.
    4. Select Automatic in the Start list and click Apply.
    5. Check if the status is Started. If the status is Stopped, click the button Start.
    6. Double click Background Intelligent Transfer Service in the services list.
    7. Select Manual in the Start list and click Apply.
    8. Check if the status is Started. If the status is Stopped, click the button Start.
    6. Double click Event Log in the services list.
    7. Select Automatic in the Start list and click Apply.
    8. Check if the status is Started. If the status is Stopped, click the button Start.

    Close services.
    Try Windows Update. This worked for me.
    Good luck.
  14. kekkars

    kekkars Bit poster

    Paul, Thanks for the update. We are talking of Parallels software update (mac side) and not of the windows update (as you have updated )
    Thanks anyways.

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