3186 Tools install corrupted boot camp partition

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Kris2112, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. Kris2112

    Kris2112 Bit poster

    I upgraded to 3186 today, and it went flawlessly with my Windows 2000 disk image.

    Then I started the VM while pointed at my Windows XP Boot Camp partition. It started successfully, but during the Parllels Tools upgrade, a blue screen error occurred.

    Now when I try to boot XP either from Parallels or Boot Camp, I get the following error:

    Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

    I'll try the Windows repair procedure from the setup CD once I get home.

    Any suggestions if that fails to work?

  2. Erich

    Erich Member

    The same thing happened to me with one of the previous builds. The Windows repair procedure fixed the problem. Since then I've done the following when upgrading to a new build:

    1. Boot the VM and uninstall Parallels tools
    2. Shut down the VM and close Parallels
    3. Install the new build of Parallels
    4. Start the VM
    5. Install Parallels tools

    I haven't had any problems using this method.

    Good luck.
  3. chashulme

    chashulme Junior Member

    I had a similar fiasco when trying to upgrade a boot camp partition to 3170. Since then I have subsequently repaired the boot camp XP, but Parallels is no longer installed - except that Paralllels Tools is still there, as well as the shared folder. Of course, I cannot do a manual removal of either, booted up into XP with boot camp... So, I am quite reasonably gunshy about how to proceed with installing 3186. :(

    Strange too, since I had initially installed and then upgraded many times with various beta builds with no problem... Until the last one tried to update Parallels Tools, and since that I want to avoid any more of that pain of recovery.

    Any words of wisdom?

    Last edited: Feb 27, 2007
  4. Erich

    Erich Member

    Could you do this?:

    * install 3186
    * set up a new VM using your existing Boot Camp partition (don't set up Parallels tools yet)
    * launch the VM
    * uninstall the (old) Parallels tools
    * shut down the VM, close Parallels, maybe reboot OS X
    * launch the VM
    * install Parallels tools
  5. edwardd20

    edwardd20 Member

    I lost my ability to use Parallels with 3170 ( http://forums.parallels.com/thread8970.html ). VM won't boot my boot camp partition anymore. Boot camp stand alone runs fine but I can't un-install Parallel Tools since I'm not running it in VM mode.

    Are you saying you can have a second VM that points to the same Boot Camp partition? I haven't tried that yet. Does that get past the ability of a bad Tools install?

    I'll give that a try this evening.
  6. Erich

    Erich Member

    That's what I'm suggesting. I haven't tried it myself, but I can't immediately think of a reason that it shouldn't work. Good luck.
  7. Kris2112

    Kris2112 Bit poster

    3186 working again with BC partition

    I managed to get Parallels working again with my Boot Camp partiton, but it was somewhat unpleasant.

    The Windows repair worked and allowed me to boot directly into XP. I tried uninstalling the Tools from there, but was only given a warning that the uninstall must be done from within a VM.

    Booted into XP from Parallels and cancelled the automatic upgrade/install of Tools, and then did an uninstall of the older Tools.

    Had to try several times to get Tools installed. The first time, I got a notification that something called DrWatson had crashed. The second time that the Tools installer had crashed. And finally an apparently good install of the Tools.

    In the future, I will make sure to uninstall Tools from my Boot Camp partition before doing a Parallels upgrade.
  8. chashulme

    chashulme Junior Member

    No go... The problem rears its ugly head as a blue screen of death at every attempt to load the VM. It will not load, no matter if Safe Mode is attempted. I can still get to XP with my boot camp partition, but as far as a VM based on that install -- nope.

    Of course, I know I can blow away the boot camp partition and start from scratch, but that would truly suck.

    Any ideas?
  9. chashulme

    chashulme Junior Member


    No ideas?
  10. edwardd20

    edwardd20 Member

    Erich - I was never able to get a second VM pointing to my boot camp partition. That was was grayed out. Was there some kind of trick?
    Kris2112 - You got a warning about Parallels tools could not be uninstalled? Mine was a hard message that stopped me.
    chashulme - Have you been able to capture and post your blue screen? It certainly sounds like mine.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2007
  11. Erich

    Erich Member

    edwardd20: It might not be possible; I haven't tried it myself. I don't really have any other ideas.
  12. rjovale

    rjovale Bit poster

    I installed XP/SP2 with Boot Camp and everything went perfectly.
    Them I wanted to try Parallels Build 3186: it will be very nice to use both: for light apps Parallels will be great and for heavy apps Boot Camp will just work.
    I followed the instructions to use the boot camp partition under Parallels but when I startes the vm it reported a fatal error and from that moment it was impossible to boot from parallels and also from Boot Camp. I had to erase the boot camp partition and to reinstall XP/SP2. I think I will wait a bit before trying again Parallels!

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