Hi guys, here's my situation- At work around 6 of us are using parallels on the same macbook pros. We ALL had the same version of Parallels installed, but mine was exhibiting an odd behavior: I couldn't ALT+TAB through all mac apps & parallels. When I'm in the mac environment, ALT+TAB works fine, but as soon as I click on Outlook or another windows app, ALT+TAB doesn't work. After trying everything, I upgraded to Build 3150 RC 2. (Feb 1,2007). The problem persists, I still can't ALT+TAB between environments properly. The other issue I'm having is with coherence. I'm using coherence mode, but it's not bewhaving correctly-that is, if I have 2 or more windows apps open, they do NOT appear as unique apps to tab through while in the mac environment. Instead, I only see one PC app "Parallels". Anyone have ANY help on these two issues? As small as they seem, for my workflow, they're killing me. Thanks! -split
I don't know about Alt-Tab. I'm using CMD-Tab. Make sure that the following is set for icons. Preferences/Appearance/Show live screen shot in Dock. See what difference, if any, that makes.
try turning system prefs > univeral access > enable access for assistive devices = off - this is still a bug in 3170...