Unable to install Win2000

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by fizzyfizz, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. fizzyfizz

    fizzyfizz Bit poster

    Each time I try and install Windows 2000 in Parallels 7 I get to the point where I need to enter a license key for the operating system and the DOS window opens but then I get a message informing me that "There is no operating system installed in this virtual machine", and the installation stops.

    I get the same message using a Win98 disc. Same problem. Am I doing something wrong?

    Both discs are genuine Microsoft CDs.

  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    If you get that message it's because it's trying to boot the virtual hard disk instead of the CD before it is installed, this either means the boot order is messed up, or the CD reader is having trouble reading the CD so it boots the HD.
    I suggest you make an image of the cd using the disk utility and then use that image to install the OS.

    (This might require a couple of tries if the mac is having trouble reading the cd)
  3. fizzyfizz

    fizzyfizz Bit poster

  4. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    The image/discs are not readable/bootable, so it fails.

    The images you made, can you mount them on the desktop?
  5. fizzyfizz

    fizzyfizz Bit poster

    Yes, the disc image mounts to the Desktop.
  6. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Did you point to the image as the installation medium?

    When you opened disk utility to make the image, did you select the disc and clicked new image and did not change any defaults?
  7. fizzyfizz

    fizzyfizz Bit poster

    Yes I pointed to the disc image as the installation medium.

    I've since created images of both discs in .CDR and .DMG formats. Each image mounts perfectly well on the desktop. But I end up with same installation failure each time.

    This is getting frustrating as I have very little time to spare as it is and my time for today is now running out. I just want to be able to use Parallels and have already wasted far too much time trying to get something that must surly be fairly common place to work.

    P.S. I'm using Mac OS X Lion. Could this be causing a problem?
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2011
  8. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    It's not Parallels fault if your Windows CDs are a problem to read or if there's some kind of problem with the cd drive.
    I can only guess some possibilities, but I assure you that this is working for me (booting Windows CDs in Parallels).

    My guesses:
    * CDs are dirty/scratched
    * CD drive has some reading problem
    * The images created are not bootable

    I would suspect these are not bootable copies of MS cds, but you said these are genuine so *shrug*.
  9. JesterbeanA

    JesterbeanA Banned

    What is the default that could be change that cant mess up the program?Thanks![​IMG]

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