So what's new in Parallels 7 for Linux clients?

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by timur, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. timur

    timur Member

    Almost every day I get an email begging me to update to Parallels Desktop 7. The email talks about all the great ways v7 will run Windows.

    Can anyone tell me how v7 is better in running Linux? I have no plans to upgrade to OS X 10.7 (Lion), either.
  2. serv

    serv Forum Maven

    How about Coherence for Linux?
  3. timur

    timur Member

    Is that it? I can get that by using a remote X session.
  4. megavolt17

    megavolt17 Pro

    Booting Fedora 15 on my MacBook in about 18-20 seconds is nice. I never tried Linux under PD 6 so I don't know how it compares, but it's very easy to set up Fedora of Umbutu now by downloading preconfigured versions using a menu in Parallels. If you have another version already you can import your data to the new Linux install as you do from Windows (not sure if PD 6 did that).
  5. STim

    STim Bit poster

    What would be the feature that could encourage you to upgrade?
  6. timur

    timur Member

    I specifically asked what's new in PD 7, and in your reply you tell me twice that you've have no idea. Why did you bother replying?
  7. timur

    timur Member

    Either of these would make me upgrade:

    1) Copy/paste between Mac and Linux that actually worked. I haven't been able to use it in months, and the forums are full of people complaining about it.

    2) Guaranteed same-day support for all major new Linux distributions. For example, the same exact day that Fedora 16 is released, I want to be able to install it under Parallels and have full tool support.
  8. megavolt17

    megavolt17 Pro

    Let's see, the advertisement says it's faster than version 5 and 6, so I gave you something you could perhaps compare your present boot time to. That seems like 1 piece of information you may not have had prior...

    There is a new way to install the latest versions of Fedora and Umbuto, so I said how easy it is to download a fully compatible, preconfigured version of the latest versions of these two Linux distributions. That seems like information you may not have had as well.

    I did not try PD version 6 with Linux, you have not tried Linux with PD 7. I tried to provide something that perhaps would allow you to compare your version with PD 7. Are you always this pleasant dealing with people, or did I perhaps catch you on a bad day?

    BYW copy and paste seems to work for me, but only when I use the right mouse button on the Linux side to select paste or copy. For me the hot key copy/paste method seems to work inconsistently.
  9. timur

    timur Member

    Those advertisement repeatedly reference Windows. It's hard to find any statement that's clearly indicates it applies to all OSes.

    I'm not sure I want a pre-configured Fedora, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I expect the Parallels tools to install smoothly on a Fedora 16 I install myself, however.

    I guess I will have to try the demo. I was hoping to avoid doing that, however.
  10. JEarles

    JEarles Hunter

    The Parallels Tools now install on Linux 3.0.x. For Parallels 6 I had to manually patch the tools to run on 2.6.39+
  11. PatrickJ

    PatrickJ Member

    There is? Sweet!

    *dusts off Ubuntu VM*
  12. JEarles

    JEarles Hunter

    Yeah... as long as you don't have Visual Effects turned on.
  13. megavolt17

    megavolt17 Pro

    In Fedora there is the option to force Gnome to force it to use a non-supported graphics card, this helps to enable some of the Coherence featured. Is there a similar option for Umbuntu? Is so perhaps see if that helps.
  14. megavolt17

    megavolt17 Pro

    > I guess I will have to try the demo. I was hoping to avoid doing that, however.

    At least between Parallels 6 and 7 there have been no changes to the file system or anything. If you decide that it's not worth keeping version 7 you can remove Parallels Tools from Linux, then remove PD 7 and reinstall PD 6 without any problems.

    Of course I'd still backup anything important even though others have done this without any problems.
  15. bge0

    bge0 Junior Member

    One of the main reasons I upgraded! Thanks!
    Parallels team, please know that there are people who appreciate your effort.
    Any improvement on this would be greatly appreciated.
    I really want to be able to run gnome3 w/coherence! :)
  16. megavolt17

    megavolt17 Pro

    I am using Gnome 3 in coherence primarily. All you need to do is install Parallels Tools and you can select full screen or coherence (crystal is not supported). If you get an error you may need to check the box in Gnome preferences telling it to use unsupported graphics cards.

    Running Windows 7 and Gnome 3 at the same time both in Coherence is surprisingly not confusing. I wish I could make Lion more like Gnome 3, of course I also would like Windows to be more Mac like...
  17. bge0

    bge0 Junior Member

    Are you running ubuntu 11.10 or fedora?
  18. megavolt17

    megavolt17 Pro

    Fedora, but I had tried Ubuntu prior to deciding to go with Fedora. I believe I had them both in coherence, but am not 100% certain because I did not keep both for more than a few days.
  19. bge0

    bge0 Junior Member

    By going to system info -> graphics ->forced fallback mode you are in essence using Gnome2 features. What I was referring to was incorporation of Gnome3 into coherence. See for a screenshot of how Gnome3 looks and what integration I am speaking of.
  20. megavolt17

    megavolt17 Pro

    Wow, that screen shot looks like Launchpad on Lion, which I hate. Under Lion EVERY program shows up in the order Mac wants to show them. I can combine apps into folders like on the iPhone and move things around but periodically it hiccoughs and returns to it's default settings again. I guess that is why I did not notice that this mode for viewing Applications in Gnome 3 was missing.

    Hopefully Parallels will update the video driver so that is can support this mode. Is the Gnome version configurable without occasionally undoing your organizing efforts? That might make this feature pretty usable.

    I hope they can do their Windows magic so that I can set up a bootable Unix partition that Parallels can use without the need to change video drivers, sound drivers, etc. every time I change modes. I sort of wonder if I'd end up using the Mac more, or Fedora more if given a choice at boot up.

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