Desktop 7: Can't disable the "Do not back up virtual machine" option on Windows 7 VM

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by gimpster, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. gimpster

    gimpster Junior Member

    I have two separate MacBook Pro's, both just upgraded to Parallels Desktop 7 from Parallels Desktop 6 and each has a Win7 VM installed completely separate from the other (meaning, I didn't just copy the PVM from one laptop to the other).

    On Machine A, I had previously checked the box for "Do not back up virtual machine" under Configure -> Options -> Backup and also had the SmartGuard option set to "Optimize for Time Machine". I tried to uncheck the "Do not back up virtual machine" box but it keeps reverting back to a checked state. Even if I turn off SmartGuard, it keeps defaulting back to a checked state.

    So, I went to Machine B, confirmed that the Win7 VM did not have this box checked. I also loaded up the respective "config.pvs" file and noted that the one from Machine A had AppVersion = 7.0.14920.689535 and the other had an AppVersion from 6.0.xxxxx. This machine had SmartGuard disabled initially, so I changed this setting to "Optimize for Time Machine" and immediately the checkbox for "Do not back up virtual machine" got checked. I tried to disable it but it won't. I turned SmartGuard off again but it still won't let me disable the "Do not back up virtual machine" option.

    Even though my repro steps include SmartGuard, I don't believe this is necessarily related. I think it might have to do with the PVS file being updated from version 6 to version 7. I don't see a setting in the PVS file that seems to map to this setting, so I'm not sure where this setting is actually stored so I haven't tried manually editing the settings to change the value.

    Any ideas how to fix this or workaround it?
  2. Fredv

    Fredv Member

    if you are making a backup with Time Machine, you should disabled the backup in there.
  3. gimpster

    gimpster Junior Member

    You missed the part where I said that even after disabling SmartGuard, it still won't let me uncheck that box...
  4. Fredv

    Fredv Member

    you have to disble the backup of the folder Documents/Parallels in Time Machine.
    that's what I meant :)
    so, go to SystemPreferences / Time Macine / Options
    and leave the folder /Documents/Parallels out of the backup.
  5. gimpster

    gimpster Junior Member

    A) that doesn't fix the issue I'm talking about
    B) I think you're completely misunderstanding what I'm talking about

    Please read my original post again. I don't want to exclude my VM from being backed up. I'm trying to get it set so that it only backs up the snapshots created by SmartGuard which I want set to "Optimize for Time Machine" and according to the information I received from support (posted here) it seems as if this checkbox needs to be unchecked so that the entire PVM isn't excluded (since that's where snapshots are stored). But even if that is incorrect, this still seems like a bug because I cannot uncheck this option where I was able to uncheck it before upgrading to v7.
  6. JesterbeanA

    JesterbeanA Banned

    I get your point, I was looking for some answers on this as well. From what I've understand, I think it is a bug.
  7. Telemetry

    Telemetry Bit poster

    I'm having the same problem: can't clear the "Do not back up virtual machine" setting in Desktop 7 for Mac. I clear this setting, close the Options window, but the next time I open it again, that setting box is checked again. As a result, I can't get my VM to be backed up.

    Any feedback from Parallels?
  8. gimpster

    gimpster Junior Member

    I'm beginning to wonder if anyone from Parallels actually reads these forums or if they are just here to placate the masses...
  9. mmnyc

    mmnyc Bit poster

    I'm having the exact same problem. I cannot clear the "Do not back up virtual machine" setting in Desktop 7 for Mac.
  10. gimpster

    gimpster Junior Member

    Support is still helping me get to the root of this issue and fix the functionality, but I at least have a workaround that I thought I would post here for other people seeing this problem. If you are seeing this, please open a support ticket anyway so they can track how widespread this issue is and get the right resources allocated toward fixing it.

    Here's the workaround. Parallels leverages OS X's extended file attributes to flag whether to backup and there is a command-line tool you can use to modify this setting. You will need to use Terminal to do this and you will need to know the path to your VM's .pvm file (e.g. "/Users/John/Documents/Parallels/Windows 7.pvm"). Here are the instructions from Parallels:

    1. Open on your Mac
    2. Use the command `sudo tmutil removeexclusion -p` like in the example below to enforce "Do not backup with Time Machine" Virtual Machine configuration option and exclude its image from an archive produced by Time Machine:

    sudo tmutil removeexclusion -p "/Users/John/Documents/Parallels/Windows Vista.pvm"
  11. bgrandon

    bgrandon Bit poster

    Can't disable "Do not backup virtual machine"

    Have the same problem. I played around with my iMac and finally got it to disable and locked the settings. My MBP is a diff't story, not matter what I do the check mark keeps coming back.

    Any resolution to the problem. Tried using the suggested terminal hack but did not work.
  12. gimpster

    gimpster Junior Member

    Can you elaborate on this? What do you mean by "clear the backup system" and what steps are involved to do this? I'd love to know because while the solution I posted will serve as a workaround, I'd love to get the issue resolved completely.
  13. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Shut down the virtual machine (not suspend) before you change this setting.
  14. gimpster

    gimpster Junior Member

    That didn't have any effect on the behavior for me.
  15. GrimpS

    GrimpS Bit poster

  16. gimpster

    gimpster Junior Member

    Yup, that's exactly what I said to do above. Looks like they created a KB article after they confirmed the solution worked for me. :)
  17. richard_vd

    richard_vd Bit poster

    Gimpster's solution still works in Parallels Desktop 9! Thanks!
  18. Samuel Warren

    Samuel Warren Bit poster

    I am also having the same issue. Was not happy when I needed to restore a VM from time machine last night and it was not there. I had to go back two months to get a clean VM again.

    The above kb fix worked for me now. I hope there will be an update released to fix this issue.
  19. Thomas T.

    Thomas T. Bit poster

    Found a solution for those that are still stuck with the issue after applying this KB: When rebuilding the spotlight search index as described here the stuck exclusion is removed and both the Parallels VM GUI shows the correct flag and Time Machine backs the VM up.

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